Typically, when Action is being Undertaken, it is a False Flag; a Lone Nut is Fuel for The Beast. Of course, someone has to Take Action for Our Race to Fight Back in this Stage 5 White Genocide that We are already Experiencing in most of the World wherein We still Exist. In South Africa, it is Stage 6. Stage 7's what The Allies did in WWII and what The Soviet Union did from Lenin to Stalin (before and after his so-called "Purge of Jews" that left many Jews, Including "Old Bolsheviks", as well as those in Miscegenous Unions with Jews). Stage 8 is when everyone's already Dead, and They are Destroying and Misrepresenting Evidence; it is to Deny its Reality and/or Feign Justification.
Our Resistance won't Begin through such Incidental Acts as are Perpetrated and elsewise Encouraged for Controlled Opposition, however; it'll Require a Large-Scale Action, such as Destroying Symbols of Oppression. These would be the likes of Packed Football Stadiums, and The "Federal Reserve" Bank at 33 Liberty Street.
All too often I have heard "As long as there is football on TV and cold beer in the fridge, I don't care what happens.". Thus, Television Producers and Breweries are also Targets. These are Doubly Important, for it will Remove The Public from much Propaganda and will also Prevent the Breweries from Delivering Water to Targeted Areas.
Breweries have become Symbolic, after Disasters, of how Corporations are More Capable and Generous (even if only for Public Appearance and thus Potential Profits) than The Regime. This will put even further Strain on The Regime, both for its Inefficiency and its Failure to Protect these Targets.
Waste Treatment Stations are also Symbolic and Practical Targets; when the Country has Literally Gone To Shit, many will Obey Our Directives if for no other Reason than to Remove The Excrement. "We Just Want This Shit To Stop", is how the Tentatively-Aligned will Self-Justify what We will Order for Them to do.
Our Counter-Propaganda Posters will have a Street Sweeper wading through a Vast Ocean of Shit (Vital Principle: Pop Culture References Obtain Mainstream Loyalties), wearing Overalls with Rolled-Up Sleeves and the Colours of The Transvaal Republic (for, Unlike this Regime, We will Grant Sanctuary to White South African Refugees), and will say "Remove The Jewish Refuse, Too!" and will show all Sorts of Mongrels being Swept Away into Their Filth by him. It should have a WWI/WWII-Era Feel to it.
Crasser but Inevitable, another would be "Let's Do This Shit!" and Juxtapose this Language on some Quintessentially 1950's White Man on a Poster that could otherwise well have been the Cover of a Men's Adventure Magazine like the one where he's Fighting Weasels or Rescuing his Dame from a Beaver and a Turtle.
It would have a Lovecraftian Element to it, with the Mongrels. Run with that; the Possibilities are Endless.
Useful Pop-Culture Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJOnLt-rFCI
And if you don't think that will Work; that these are only on The Terrorism Watchlist for Money and Militarization, I ask you to go Research The Union's P.O.W. Camps and The Allies' Rhine Meadows Death Camps. Forcing Captives to Wallow in their own Excrement is a Long-Standing American Psychological Warfare Method.
They Executed a Confederate P.O.W. Camp Commander for Horrible Conditions, even though They Acknowledged that Union Conditions were even Worse. They Did Not Execute Their Man.
There will be no Worthwhile Militia, until the Entertainment Industry is Destroyed. If a Militia is Necessary to that, then Our Fate Is Sealed because Groups of Grown Men were Paid Millions (or even Dozens of Millions!) Each to Play a Child's Game for those too Fat, Stupid, Drunk, Stoned and/or Lazy to do it Themselves.
Why is there a Stage 6 White Genocide in South Africa? Innate Non-White Hatred of Our Race, Subsequent Brainwashing of Our People by The Mongrel Master Deceiver that is The Jew, and Rugby. "Sports Fan" is said to be Synonymous with "Racist" (White). It's Synonymous with Coward.
What is Needed, now, though, this Pre-Militia, is a Gang of Brigands. Let Us Be Called "Criminals"; Let Our Race Be Declared Illegal. We will see who is Worthy, and who is a Traitor.
We need something like The Order, only without any Neo-Pagan like David Lane bringing in a Castizo like Tom Martinez and being a Hebephilic Traitor, or anyone Uttering a Word or otherwise Indicating any Involvement of themselves or anyone else in this Operation. The Captured Remain Silent. The Free Remain Silent. The Captured will be Liberated when We have Secured this Theater.
Until then, their Job is to Study Law, Recruit New Members (Without Exposing Existing Members, Operations, Locations, Methodology or other Resources), and either be Paroled for Good Behavior or (if not an Option) Escape and/or Kill Genuine Criminals.
Criminals on Good Behavior can Use The Gym, Develop Connections, Work on Road Crews (Good for both Removal from the General Populace without Solitary Confinement, though not always a Bad thing to have the latter, Learning Surroundings, Learning Guards' and Inmate's Behaviors, Obtaining Parole and Escape Potential), Manufacturing Jobs (ever see "Escape From Alcatraz"?) and Telemarketing (Lot's of Useful Info). There's also the Possibility of a Prisoner-Student Pen-Pal Project, and Visitation Privileges where it may be Possible to Recruit Despite Censorship Via Coded Messages. If it Attracted any Attention at all, there may be Prisoner Fan-Girls that could be made into Useful Idiots.
The Code that was Developed by Sir Francis Bacon is already Popular amongst the Multi-Racial "Aryan Brotherhood", so something New or at least Obscure will have to be Selected instead of this Method that's already Well-Known to those that would be Monitoring anyone Using it.