Bring in lots of Gaelic, French, English and Scandinavian Refugees? Yes, please! Oh, but wait; these are Liberals - Race Traitors! Better conduct an ideological litmus test, for entry; a reversal of what The Allies used on the German Refugees from Bolshevik Rape-Murder Hordes.
There will be a few problems, though:
A., Trump may love the faggots too much to go up against another fag-promoter.
B., America tried that. Repeatedly. First time on Canadian soil, the general got shot in the eye - the first base he encountered. Next time, the army retreated from the battlefield. Then, America and the "British" (combined Anglo-Gaelic forces, chiefly, with some Mongrels, and a combination of Whites and Mongrels in key positions) needed Canadian aid on numerous occasions in both World Wars; this does not suggest it will be easy - if possible. Even on American soil, America has mixed results with Canada; the greatest successes on either side were partially or wholly due to Amerimongoloids slaughtering mostly civilians in remote areas.
Yes, Canada has seriously declined from when it would break alliances over such unauthorized cruelty but so has America; even if America's military is better-established, it will not know the terrain as well and will have to (again, using W.W.II as an example; presenting a problem, since Canadians formed half this unit) assemble a special forces unit of Appalachian and Rocky Mountain residents (basically, the "Hillbillies" were the ones sent to take an Austrian hill that previously was lined with the corpses of numerous American squads). There are probably more "snowbirds" in America than Americans in Canada, too, presenting a problem of spies already familiar with the area and expected to be there; there would have to be internment camps.
Now, if America and Russia were to get together . . . "The E.U." and rest of "The U.N." would declare an alliance with Canada, but some of those would secede while Russia severed 80% of the oil supply to "The E.U." - just by refusing to supply it. It may also capture or destroy other lines.
Meanwhile, the rest of the world would have the problem that America's allies and Russia's allies often border each other. Some are officially allies of both, further complicating matters; these picking one, may change which others affiliate with or to what extent.
Mexico would cause a lot of problems for America; while America has historically been able to beat it in battles, sometimes even outnumbered, with comparable weaponry, suggesting it would be comparatively easy with modern forces, this line of thinking crumbles when one realizes how poorly America operates against (increasingly Jihadist-linked) cartels. Of course, one could argue this is only because America profits from this sham war; even allowing its media to spread pro-drug and anti-government propaganda. That very argument, however, indicates that - if America did attempt any significant efforts against the aforesaid - a Deep State/Shadow Government would undermine it. Of course, it should have knowledge of which these are; these should be quickly dispatched. It would be used as Anti-American propaganda, but Americans could turn it right back as a propaganda of the deed; "Canada was fine with a corrupt America, but complains of America's improvement."
Remember that Mexicans are going to need far more internment camps than Canadians, if America isn't up to fighting this as a Racial War. You'll need a good supply of delousing agents, fuel, medicine and ammunition, and you're going to get accused of a "Holocaust" - especially when the enemies bomb your supply lines.
There will be Revolutionaries, all over America; the large Liberal factions in The South will transform it into something more like South Africa, if not Haiti, though Texas something more like Paraguay, and Liberal cities will mobilize against Conservative rural areas everywhere else. The Alt-Right and anything Right of it, better step up the game; not hiding in the mountains or rural zones, and not trying to capture cities that will crush these with a combination of militarized police, regular police, plain-clothes officers and federal agents, federal raids, "National Guards" commanded by Leftists and all of those cooperating with packs of feral Alienists, but persistently harassing supply lines and small detachments with ever-changing tactics.
Russia's going to encounter similar concerns, and has to operate in many more theaters that will have some degree of overlap; that's a lot of intelligence gathering, counter-intelligence disseminating, border patrolling, special-purpose outfitting and discerning of what is "Need To Know" from what is "Higher Purpose Classification", when in cases of cross-jurisdiction.
History does suggest that formal armies will fall to this combination, rather quickly, however, though enemy engagements will persist for many years later and have wide-reaching cultural impacts. Many of said cells will be poorly organized and poorly-outfitted, but history also demonstrates that such cells may be quickly transformed into significant forces by foreign operatives; America and Russia will also have to back dissidents in foreign countries, as well as Patriotic or Nationalistic organizations Right of official policy - or (better yet) just shift official policy Right.
Meanwhile, the "Israeli's" would have the risk of 80% of Their own ability to receive oil being severed by Russia; just by nature of Russia not supplying it. It may attack other lines, as well. They'd have to swear loyalty to a Russo-American Alliance, but would milk Trump for all They could get from him; Putin would capitulate, if he thought to not do so would mean America would switch sides. If Canada weren't willing to allow America to do so, Russia would easily destroy an America besieged by both Canada and Mexico. Canada would presumably be eager to accept any American efforts to appease Jews by switching sides. That said, the "Israelis" would suddenly be besieged by a combination of Iran, Syria, Lebanon and the latter's Hezbollah party/militia. Yes, there are others that would come to the call of Jewry but these aren't even capable of toppling Syria in a multi-national proxy war; if it were proven not to be so, accusations of deliberately generating Mongrel Hordes would grow profoundly. Far-Right organizations would rise and cooperate, at unprecedented rates and to unprecedented levels. The Jews' best bet would be to moderate, and there would be those suspicious of this purported change in behavior.
South and Central America would become involved in this, in various ways, and so The Caribbean, as well as Africa and the parts of Asia not previously mentioned. Australia, New Zealand and many small islands would be caught up in it, one way or another.
Both sides would have those claiming to be "Fighting The Jews", but "Right Sector" is widely-recognized as a false flag and Russia widely recognized as having arrested more Jewish oligarchs and (often-pedophilic) sex-slavers than any other country.
It would be W.W.III, but a Russo-American Alliance would end it in a few years and with far fewer casualties than a Russo-American Conflict. Afterwards, it would be rather Authoritarian but there'd be a dramatic reduction in crime and dramatic improvements in education, medicine, food quality, productivity, economics and numerous other matters. Besides, the problematic parts of Authoritarianism are Left-Wing; these would be gone, and government may be strict without necessarily being large.
So, I'll be all for it . . . except I'm still not convinced Trump will go up against another faggot-promoting "Liberal-Conservative". Maybe if that position is based only on money and popularity, he could be convinced there are more-profitable and more popular positions.
Otherwise, people are going to resort to the "Muslims killing homosexuals" meme; in the history of Islam, there's a lot more homosexuality than killing of homosexuals. Homosexuals also deserve to be killed. So, this meme - without that context - is playing with fire next to fuel; someone has to explain that Muslims will rape, murder, impoverish, lie about who accomplished what or didn't, enslave (often for sexual abuse) those of all Races (but showing a preference for capturing Whites; the word "Slave" deriving from "Slav" because so many South Slavs were captured by Ottoman Invaders) and force many of these to fight from an early age, and generally make life miserable for those permitted to live. Americans typically don't know what a Reconquista will require; these hear more Marxist distortions than facts, if hearing about these events at all. They have proven more talk than action, even when willing to talk about it. The expansion of readiness with which many will talk about such things is a good sign, and some improvements have been made in ethno-cultural cooperation among Whites, but it's an uphill battle.
Someone should also point out that Jews have more history of cooperation than conflict, and even the Jews that did fight Muslims have consistently also variously undermined - even openly fought - Europeans.
Trump has to know at least some of that, with all his connection, and people to do nearly everything for him, leaving him lots of time to research, so there he has some irrational attachment to the Jews; at least through supporting his Treacherous offspring having such, which is why he has Jewish grandchildren. This fact has yet to sufficiently anger Americans, even with his many compromises, which have done nothing to sate The Left, rather, emboldening it, as his Rightist critics predicted, so the possibility of White Reactionaries is infinitesimal; this parts a large burden on Russia, to be willing to fix the world that others broke before Russians ever adopted any beliefs said others promoted.