I think he's an actor, but this may just backfire and make him as legitimate (in usefulness to Us, rather than intent) as the opening of his manifesto (and he's correct: "It's the birthrates."). Here's my reasoning:
Yes, he did admit to trying to incite a(n ostensibly Second Amendment-based) Civil War in America that - inevitably - develops along Racial Lines. Neo-Cons will refer to this as the situation "devolving", and will do so into Oblivion. This is Social Evolution. Yes, it is also Regression. Evolution is not always unidirectional. We must Regress, for We are about to Progress off a cliff.
It's a "Nuclear Option"; he's forcing Whites to come to terms with the inevitable, since We aren't doing Our Part in this Racial War while able to imagine that's not really what this is. Most of Our Race is content to die, so long as White Genocide is called "legal" by those waging it. We Goyim are rather retarded, that way. Put a gun to someone's face, and another in their hands, though, and more will turn into Racists than would like to admit. If America goes down, the world just might sort itself out. America already tried voting this away; it got Trump, and he demanded the death penalty for Racists.
Tarrant does a lot of suspicious things, and I could have sworn there were fake moments in that video (for instance, didn't he shoot out that windshield? Why didn't it break, whilst the window he shot next did?), but each has an interpretation that could work for Us; it only works against Us, if someone wants to play pretend that We are, somehow, "in the wrong." Most will so pretend, but We don't need a majority of Whites on Our Side (yet, anyway; those will come, if only out of Dread that We will Exterminate Race Traitors); only 15% - the number Statistically Sufficient for a Successful Uprising. After that, those afforded the White Privilege of being Alive - despite not having helped Us make that an enduring possibility for Our Race (the ones having done so, having a White Right) - will fall in line.
Have more like Tarrant is supposed to be; so many more, indeed. Have an Environmentally-Aware National Socialism. Have, in the short-term, at least, an N.S.-Ba'athist Alliance (since there's no evidence he considers himself to have "Returned", the talk of a Shi'a Muslim hotel owner helping him set up an attack on Sunnis - if not explaining that Tarrant's Roleplay Character is not an Islamic Convert/Race-Traitor - is just Misdirection). Breed a White Resistance to White Genocide. Just do it for real; Tarrant, thus far, seems only to have played pretend.