Saturday, February 11, 2023

Reconsidering Japanese Logistical Capabilities

 The Japanese were seemingly never good at Logistics and Military Intelligence; even Worse than the Italians and Germans, in The World Wars.  Some of it is that "It's better to appear incompetent than corrupt."  

Anything since "V.E. Day", like that by Benito Mussolini's Grandson or his Zionist Masters, has been a Deliberate Subversion of Racial Europe e.g. Libyan Hordes Invading Continental Europe.  

Japan could never get its Invasions to work, whenever it wanted China or Korea, without help.  Even then, it didn't always work.  

One could Argue that Pre-W.W.II Japan's Unoccupied Status was because of its Foreign Wars, though only if it had an Existing Threat; if those weren't Invading Japan, any Imperialist Effort only Risked Inciting Enemies.  

Japan was Typically Isolated and Subsequently Unprepared For Foreign Combat, since all it ever had to Fight Domestically were its many Civil Wars, Pirates, other Gangs and Ronin (Ex-Samurai-Turned-Criminals), just like other Countries, until The Mongol Invasion.  It was small, since Mongols were never a Seafaring Superpower, only a Terrestrial Superpower, but had the Advantage of Unincumbered Combat.  Subsequently, Samurai were Retrained to Fight Multiple Opponents and not for only Ritual Combat.  The Second Mongol Invasion was Destroyed by a "Divine Wind"; in Japanese, in Latin Lettering, a "Typhoon".

The Purported  "Discipline" and other "Quality" of Samurai and all therewith Associated are more Works of Fiction than an Historical Fact, as well, as with much of the Lore of "Ninjas" and even the Efficacy of Japanese Martial Arts.

However, the same may be said of all Asiatic Martial Arts.    

There wasn't much else that could be done, in W.W.II, of Consequence, that was Foreseeable, at least, other than Leaving America Alone.  Even Invading Vichi Vietnam was a Short-Lived Mistake; the Vichi later had Japanese Allies Occupying Vietnam, so a French Concession of Vietnam was a Propability of Axis Victory.  

Toyota's "Just In Time" Inventory System was Adopted as an International Standard, which is why that Indian Captain could Sabotage Earth so well, with Evergreen's Evergiven Incident, which had to have been a Deliberate Name for it, rather than "just a coincidence", to Incite Panic, especially after his G.P.S. Data was Confirmed to show he drew a couple of giant Male Genitals, with his ship, before ramming an Empire State Building-Sized shaft into a canal, though that is a Zionist Orchestration and not a Japanese Logistical Mishap. 

If not a Deliberate Japanese Role, it would be an Example of a Naivety of Germanic Caliber or Coerced Multi-Culturalism.  Toyota Notoriously Supplies International Leftist Revolutionaries and its C.E.O. is a Member of its Founding Family, so it is Deliberate and Multi-Generational; not Accidental or a Rogue Administration.  

Reviewing Japan's Pre-Zionist History Offers Insights: 

The Imjin War saw the Eastern Leader as a Traitor, as a Japanese Vassel, with Initial Chinese Backing, yet Japan still was Repelled.  Japan's First Invasion was Unsustained so it Signed a Peace Treaty.  Later, it Reinvaded but it was also a Failed Occupation.  Initially, this was despite Pirates and other Raiders being used as Mercenaries by Japan.  Later, Korea offered a Pardon to the Pirates and Raiders to Switch Sides.  Eventually, China would Allege that it had been "unaware" of The Eastern Leader's Plot being Treason.  China Backed Korea Against Japan, under the (False) Pretense that China had been "tricked" into Invading.  Korea couldn't afford not to play along.  Japan had muskets, too; they weren't that reliable, back then, but they were still an advantage.  The Eastern Leader was Dismissive, saying that the Japanese couldn't hit anything with them.  He was hoping to see as much of Korea's Military get Annihilated as possible, so he could be King of what wouldn't be Ceded to either China or Japan; not having to worry about Uprisings, since any Criminals he didn't Own would be Annihilated by his Regional Superpower Allies.  He didn't count of the Fabled "Turtle Ships" being Commissioned, as these were a Significant Korean Advantage.  Before that, these were just an Idea and the Plans had long been Lost; only Rediscovered during The Imjin War.  

One thing Japan didn't count on is a Monk it Framed being Exonerated; he was able to walk through the Battlefields, chanting, with Rebels being Unwilling to shoot him or even Defecting to him.  

Another thing is that it had Paid Traitors in Japanese Currency, which meant that there was time to Prepare for a Japanese Invasion because a Dead Korean Spy had some of those coins sewed into the hem of her dress; the Japanese had Discovered she was a Spy but not that she had Hidden Evidence.  

There are Accounts of the Germans being Similarly Inept, in The World Wars.  While many are Jew Victimhood Fantasies (e.g. "My grandmother was gassed three times at Dachau."), the German Intellect was too much an Honest Intellect to be Competent Agents of Deception-Based Warfare.   

Jews are Masters of Deception, which is why "lampshades and soap" can be both an Admitted Hoax and a Tax-Financed Hoax.  

The U.K. has, often, the most Shabbos of Goyim.  America is its Understudy.  

Strangely, Japan never tried again but with its own Turtle Ships.  China never did, either.  

Russia would have Colonized Korea and Japan, at least, if not for an Anglo-American "Negotiation" (on Behalf of Japan).  Here, there is a Zionist Component.  

After that, Liberals started saying that Russia "Lost" The Russo-Japanese War and that it "meant" that it "refuted" White Supremacy.  That's when it really caught on, in America, to say that Russians are "Mongoloid" and not "European".  Likewise, The U.K.'s (Conservative-Beloved) Liberal Propagandist Rudyard Kipling Promoted Anti-Russian Drivel.  

Kipling also Promoted "Home Rule" for England but Disparaged Irish Home Rule, while Preaching Miscegenation but Mocking "Foreign" Whites as "Eastern" (e.g. Germanics as "Huns" or Russians as "Tartars").  

Ostensibly, his Anti-Germanicism was because of his Son's Death.  Of course, however, Rudyard Kipling's Son Died Fighting Against Germanics because of a Pre-Existing Bias Against Germanics.

Both Sides of The Russo-Japanese War had German Munitions, though Japanese Industrialism was of more Foreign Origin than Russian Industrialism; the Russians and Germans both having German, English, Scottish and French Ideas, among others, though Russians were ahead of Japan - before and after Industrialism.  

During W.W.II, however, Japan would even Surpass Germany Air Supremacy and Italian Naval Supremacy  - though only briefly.  The Germans and Italians would Regain Supremacy, though the Germans Achieved Supremacy On Both Accounts but the Italians only on Select Accounts of Naval Supremacy.  

Eventually, the three - and many others - would be rather comparable.  Japan Achieved Select Locomotive Supremacy.  Otherwise, it is in a Multi-Way Tie with all European Nations or there is a Supremacy of German, French and Russian.  

Ethnic Japanese, Racial Europeans and Jewry also are the Alternating Masters of Robotics.  

The Russo-Japanese War also saw Jew Financiers, whether those Playing Both Sides or Picking Sides.  Later, these "Banksters" were more Pro-Soviet than Pro-Empire.  Some Financed Both Sides.  

Notably, despite Initial Japanese Denial, Japan Confessed Illegally Disguising Torpedo Ships.  Initially, Japan's Confession was only of the Practice of Deception and not of it being in International Waters.  Later, Japan's Confession was also of it having been in International Waters.  Despite all of that, Japan Denies Starting The Russo-Japanese War.   

Japanese Peasants were even less Analytical than Japanese Officers, with The Incendiary Incident.  

During The Cold War, like Finland and Greece, where Mixes were Typically Leftist and Whites were Typically Rightists, whatever the Odd Exceptions may have been, Japan Remained "Unaligned" with either; having not only Diplomacy but Joint Military Drills.  

Today, Japan has Joint Military Drills with both Russia and America.   

Ostensibly, this was always out of "need"; even "logistical need", despite Aligned Border Nations.  Those, sometimes, also say there is an "alignment of necessity" and not Ideals.  

With Globohomo Vs. Heteronormativity, with an American Flag and a Russian Flag, more and more in focus, converging upon America's Puppet Regime in the Ukraine, will Japan show the Exceptional Logistical Awareness of W.W.I and only "Autumn Farm" (as Mussolini did, in France)?  That is why it was Allied-Awarded Territories.  If not, will it Sabotage Supposed Allies e.g. Pearl Harbor Sabotaging Germany?  Will it be more "Pro-American" or "Pro-Russian", and for how long will it Sustain Alliance?