Unfortunately, I grossly underestimated how complacent most Whites really were and how little those with Incidental Overlaps of Interests wanted to do with Us.
I thought Trump had started something he could not control, together with what was indicated about elsewhere. Sadly, it turned out to be a lot of Jew-Perpetrated Hoaxes or they were made to Suffer for being more Honest than almost anyone else.
Thus, even though I'd like to give Blake Masters a go at being P.O.T.U.S., after Establishment Republicans Helped Democrats Steal Arizona's Senate Seat from him (and an Establishment Republican was even kicked to the curb, in favour of a Democrat, in Arizona's Gubernatorial Election), though he needed to be someone like Senator Blake Masters, to get there, rather than just Blake Masters, Victim of Systemic Loxism, I shall have to swallow my Dignity (but the vomit shall be aimed at the nearest R.N.C. Official/Gatekeeper) and try (again) to make some sort of Rightward Compromise.
President: The Orange God-Emperor of The Alt-Lite, Favourite of Fake Right-Populists, Cucker of The Alt-Right, Hater of Racists, Shabbos Goy, King of Inconsistencies but Emperor of Consistent Shilling, Faux-Outsider Extraordinaire, Breaker of Campaign Promises, Compromiser, Lord of Ego, Effeminate Favourite of Beta Males, Employer of Non-Whites, Importer of Mestizoids, Defrauder of Whites, Don of Tower, Butcherer of Names & Words, etc., etc., etc., Donald J. Trump.
Qualifications: None, really, other than Poll Numbers.
Allow Me To Explain: "He's not as bad as the literal Serial Killers and Pedophiles." doesn't make much of a "Qualification", though he has implied he will or promised to get back to some earlier implications or promises. We've seen his True Colours, however, so the Word of a Liar shouldn't sway you. Some do learn slower than others and Emotional Fixations can be stronger than a Logical Analysis of Empirical Evidence, even with a High I.Q.
Therefore, let him have another go at it and don't have a Rigged Election; let him get his Second Term and see what he does with it, or let him become some Goyslop to throw into the rest of the R.N.C.'s Dumpster Fire.
If he can and no one better comes along, in 2028, let him become a Republican Governor. He could do that forever or until everyone is sick of him. If you don't put him by a Border State, he can't Amnesty nearly so many but he can still Deport.
Since Trafficant was Murdered, so he couldn't be President of America and actually start Uncucking it, not that he would have been Ideal, just a Superior Candidate to anyone else with a shot, since the ones better than Trafficant didn't have a snowball's chance in Hell and still don't, lets look at others with a shot at being in Trump's 2024 Cabinet:
Unfortunately, the only Insider seeming to have become an Outsider is no longer among the Living. To show you what We did not get, here's what I would have said:
V.P.: Admiral James Lyons.
Qualifications: He was a Four Star Admiral, Commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, Politically Astute, Outspoken and Media-Despised.
They can't have him Impeached, for anything Federal, without Trump being able to give him a Presidential Pardon. Otherwise, it'd be up to that Republican Governor or Commission. If not Republican, thinks could get ugly.
They can't Impeach Trump, without Lyons becoming P.O.T.U.S. and giving him a Presidential Pardon - if a Federal Indictment. Otherwise, it'd be like what he currently faces or uglier.
Basically, it relies on Liberals being more afraid of him than Trump or a Popular Rightist Uprising. It's like the Pence Meme, only Pence was always a Known Neo-Con and Lyons is a Known Conspiracy Exposer.
Alternative Nominations:
Secretary of Defense.
Qualifications: He's probably more qualified than anyone, especially now that Mad Dog has been Neutered, given the aforesaid.
Secretary of State: The same Qualifications are applicable, again.
So, without Nominating Arthur Jones, though you know I would, who is available?
Since Tom Tancredo, Steve Bannon and Sebastian Gorka were all Sellouts, in 2016 or thereafter, beyond even the Pre-Existing Condition of Shilling, or got Exposed as having one, not previously Public Knowledge, having gone Left of Trump or holding him there, if you think "Trump will come around, without bad advice.", like many still do or pretend to, none should get a second chance.
Trump had some even worse Cabinet Secretaries and Presidential Advisors, so those need to go. Sarah Huckabee Sanders couldn't answer simple questions, deflected and waddled off the stage. Dr. Ben Carson isn't as good as Dr. Ron Paul, though I don't even like Ron Paul.
If you did have Ron Paul, since he keeps going Left, over the decades or even within one Electoral Cycle, it would be a mistake; he has Betrayed his Racial Policies, which is why he's become an Open Borders Candidate, so how long until he becomes just as Pseudo-Scientific about Sexes or he decides he no longer is Pro-Secession?
Federal Reserve Chairman: Former Congressman Dr. Ron "End The Fed." Paul.
Qualifications: He is a Fiscal Conservative, Right of Neo-Cons, as an Anti-"Fed" Libertarian, and was the 2012 Republican Primary Winner; it was a Rigged Election, by Romney-Supporting Delegates and other Activists, since he was the Projected Winner Against Obama.
Tentative Alternative Nomination: Surgeon General.
Qualifications: He was a Flight Surgeon, Obstetrician and Gynocologist (so any Pseudo-Science is Ideological and not from any Lack of Education).
Alternative Surgeon General Nomination: Dr. Robert Malone.
Qualifications: A Nobel Prize Winner, he was first credited as the "Creator of M-RNA Vaccines" but later said to have provided research that made it possible; not creating it, though the other alleged "Creators" are also in dispute. Sometimes, subsequently, he is referred to as the "Co-Creator" and not the "Creator" of what the same Mainstream Media Outlets have both called "Gene Therapy" and "not a 'gene therapy'." He demonstrated the effectiveness of various treatments against Wuhan Flu and its Vaccine-Caused Mutations, latter Misleadingly Media-Labeled "Vaccine Breakthrough", which were Media-Denied but even the Media-Beloved C.D.C. and Pfizer have admitted their effectiveness.
Unfortunately, Fauci blew with the wind but that wind mostly blew Left. Furthermore, various "Fact-Checkers" missed the forest for the trees or even made up the reports.
Nominating Malone would be like throwing fuel on the fire of Misplaced Leftist Rage but sometimes, as (even) Thomas Jefferson said, "The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed, from time to time, with the blood of Patriots and Tyrants."
White House Spokesman: Mark Dice.
Qualifications: He's an Influential Political YouTuber, alleged (by Leftist Media Outlets) to have "Influenced" millions of Younger Voters to be Trump Supporters.
Alternative Nominations:
Kevin Sorbo.
Qualifications: He's a Popular Republican Actor and oozes '90's Nolstalgia, while his Shill Comments cannot erase the Accuracies of his Factual Statements (regarding Jews and Negroes).
Mel Gibson.
Qualifications: The same as for Kevin Sorbo but far more successful, from 1979, through the Present, despite even more Jew Media Propaganda & (Temporary) Blacklisting.
Tentative Alternative Nominations:
Adam "Not-a-Baldwin" Baldwin.
Qualifications: A Popular Libertarian-Turned-Conservative Actor, though not as Controversial as the other two [or as Liberal (or Neo-Conservative) as his Distant Cousins a.k.a. The Baldwin Brothers].
Vince Vaughn.
Qualifications: A Popular Libertarian Actor, becoming more Conservative, who was Blacklisted by Jew Media because he did some movies with Mel Gibson.
James Buchanan.
Qualifications: He was an Advisor to Nixon, Ford and Reagan, won several states, in 1996's Republican Primary, is the Ideological Father of "Archeoconservatism" and Ideological Godfather of "Groypers", was a Popular Columnist and has more "Boomer Appeal" than the others.
Being as he both once Exposed Jewry's Domination of America to The Conservative Mainstream and later Endorsed Pro-Jew Romney, before Romney went on to be Pro-Queer and Pro-"BLM", rather than Ron Paul, along with having helped along Tancredo, Bannon and Gorka, with the Tancredo having told Trump to be less vocal about Borders, when that was his Main Selling Point and for Good Reasons, Bannon (Temporarily) Popularized (((Alt-Lite Milo))) and Gorka even telling Jew Actress Natalie Portman that "The Holocaust" was more Important than any other Genocide, when even she didn't agree, though she didn't Acknowledge & Condemn Jew-Orchestrated White Genocides, he is a Shill but so are all the others; the Bachananites would say things like "He'd be better, if not under pressure to conform."
Given the aforsaid Qualifications (and Limitations), either James Buchanan or Ron Paul could be either V.P., Secretary of State, Secretary of Housing & Urban Development, Secretary of Labour, Secretary of Education or most of the Secretaries. However, those are Tentative Nominations.
White House Chief of Staff: Trump's Butler (who wanted to Carpet Bomb Furgesson - during False-Pretenses Negroid Rioting - and said Negroes are "animals").
Qualifications: Similar Duties.