Saturday, December 29, 2012

Alienist Gun Advocacy: The Friend of White Disarmament

 I wish Gun Rights Activists would stop making Fools of Us by Perpetuating Debunked Holocaust Myths, or taking Out of Context the Photos of White Police and Negro Criminals, to make Them look Abused, and would show some of Negro, Jewish and otherwise Alien Aggression Against Whites; such as Boer and other White Afrikaner Genocides by Jews like Joe Slovo, Arabs like Tauriq Moosa (a Blatant Advocate of Miscegenation, Incest and Bestiality, and at least Implied Advocate of Pedophilia - as per his Circular Reasoning in his Advocacy of Bestiality!), and Blacks like Nelson and Winnie Mandela, Robert Mugabe and Julius Malema, or The Cossack Genocides, The Russian Genocides and The Ukrainian Holodomors by Jews like Lazar Kaganovich and Their Turkish Brethren like Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili a.k.a. Joseph Stalin, The Irish Holodomor by Jews like Lionel Nathan de Rothschild and Benjamin Disraeli, The Mass Rapes of Europeans by Jewry and Their Turkish Brethren (Advocated by Jew Ilya Ehrenberg a.k.a. The Man Who Invented The Six Million!), The Dresden Holocaust (Orchestrated by Professor Frederick Lindemann - a Jew!), The Genocide of Germans in Yugoslavia by Jews and Their Turkish Brethren from The Soviet Union, The Hellenic Genocides by Jews and Their Turkic Brethren in The Young Turk Regime (a Continuation of Hellenic Genocides from The Ottoman Empire - which was Continuing what Foreign Breeds have always done to Our Kind!), or any of the other White Genocides by Lesser Breeds!

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