Today is the 300th Anniversary of The Jacobite Counter-Revolution; a Cause that I Historically Support, with Utmost Condemnation for The "Glorious" Revolution. Today, however, History is being Mocked by Forces even more Inglorious.
A Jacobite Restoration wouldn't Achieve much, these days; the so-called "Royals" are often Mongrelized and as Inbred as a U.S.D.A.-Certified Cow. Franz, as such, and being an E.U. Whore, as he (Subsequently) is, is Immediately Dismissed.
Now, I know of no further Dirt on her, not that she's Ideally Bred, but Infanta Alicia, Duchess of Calabria, has more Claim than either Franz, the Jewified House of Orange, or the so-called Windsors.
Perhaps The Best Bet would be to go back further, and Trace the Pre-Jacobite Pretenders down to today. There are many to Consider, but one I can't find much on but Know by Name is Simon Abney-Hastings, 15th Earl of Loudoun. He seems to be just a Typical Guy in Australia who Happens to have a Courtesy Title, so he doesn't Appear to have the Wealth to make this Possible. If he is Connected enough, though, perhaps someone Ambitious and Wealthy could be his Patron.
One Possibility is a Co-Reign, or a Division into Kingdoms to have a Common Constitution but Independent Additions that can be Made if Necessary; if a Change to the Common Values is to be Attempted, it would have to be Ratified by the Standard 2/3rds Majority but of Both Governments. It would be a Variation on the Concept of a Personal Union; when an Emperor is to Rule each of his Kingdoms by their own Traditions, as Allies.
Alicia's Wealth and Simon's Everyman Appeal could be Useful, if for no other Reason than what there is now is Completely Insane.
Tangential to this: Karl von Habsburg might have some Potential, as Kaiser of either Austria, Hungary or a Restored Austro-Hungarian Empire, but his Father's Politics are Ass-Backwards. All Karl's Son does is F1 Racing; while his Popularity might be Useful, his Lack of any Apparent Political Convictions is Disturbing.
Karl's Grandfather, Charles, though he had some Squicky Breeding Policies, did - to his Credit - everything in his Power to Prevent WWI. He was Sidelined, at every turn, though he made every Concession he had been Lead To Believe would Subdue The Fratricide.
Unfortunately, Jewry - those Inherent Workers of Iniquity that They are - had everyone Far Too Bloodthirsty to Accept what would Elsewise have Simultaneously Preserved The Empire and Afforded Autonomy to those Seeking it.
It seems Otto's E.U. Whoring is a Result of being the Product of Cousins, whereas Karl has a Dilution of that with some New Blood. Karl's Son should be even Better, then, but Multi-Cult Indoctrination is also Multi-Fold and there are Dominant and Recessive Traits that become Corrupted with Inbreeding anywhere in the Ancestry. His Loyalty Remains To Be Determined.
For my Thoughts on Orleans-Braganza, see "Which Way, South Brazil?"
Duarte Pio, Duke of Braganza, seemingly Favours an Absolute Monarchy over a Democratic-Republic. Perhaps there's something here... I can't find anything about him having Sympathies for Our Cause, but also not about him Promoting The Multi-Cult. There's a Nationalist Group in Portugal that, though a Minority, is Gaining Favour; perhaps some Cooperation is Possible.
There are two Orleanist Pretenders to The French Throne, and both Claim to be Duke of Anjou.
One is Louis Alphonse of Bourbon, who has a Wife from Venezuela; she Appears to be Pure. Genetic Testing of Both will be Required, as with anyone, before any Serious Consideration of a Restoration of that Line or even being Permitted into The Line of Succession. In Particular, it's a Concern here because he's both one of several Alledged Royals to Descend from Fransico Franco and - Separately - one of his Ancestresses was always Rumored to be a Jewess.
The other is one of his Cousins, the so-called "Prince" Charles-Philippe Marie Louis of Orleans; he has Proclaimed himself "Center-Right", but it's within the Context of Accepting The E.U. He's Useless, unless he can become an Unsuccessful Candidate who Destabilizes The Region at a Time when We are in Standing to Assume Power as a Result.
While everyone's being Genetically Tested for both Racial Purity and Inbreeding Coefficient, perhaps someone in The Greek Royal Family is Willing to Back Golden Dawn; it Considers itself a Successor to General Ioannis Metaxas, and his Anti-Communist Counter-Revolution was Backed by said Family.
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