Monday, April 6, 2020

Thoughts on shooting (((Yourself))) in the foot

When Communism was Invented by Rabbis Moses Hess and Karl Marx, it was Jewish.  Engels was brought in to soften up the Gentiles, as he never Publicly Identified as a Jew.

When Lenin came to power, 97% of his Politburo was Jewish.  When he finally died, presumably due to complications from when a Jewess shot him for not having her particular form of Socialism, his Politburo was maybe as low as 82% Jewish but generally not said to be higher than 86% Jewish.

That's when Stalin and Rykov took over.  Rykov was done away with by Stalin.  Stalin brought it down to about 6% Jewish, officially, though it may have been higher; many Jews, both Communists and otherwise, in high positions or not, are not honest about Ancestries.

Later still, it's said to have decreased to 4%.

I'd also like to note that both the Trotskyites, Leninists, Stalinists and Destalinists did horrible things to Gentiles, as well; especially to Whites, albeit Stalin did sometimes do things to Central Asiatics - even though mostly just collateral damage (whilst targeting Whites in that area).

Jews have always more supported Communism from afar than preferred living under it, especially when it threatened to take away the preferable treatment it often gave Them.  It's Stalinism that Jews ostensibly are the most divided about, however, since it's between how much he helped Them overall and the relative spanking he also gave Them; mostly after he realized both Jewry's and his life were on the line for a myriad of Atrocities, while Jews seemed to think They still had enough "Western" Allies to help keep up The Iron Curtain.

This led to the Soviet Propaganda of "incompatibility between Socialism and Zionism", even though Theodor Herzl - Zionism's Founder - was an Avowed Socialist and Marxist Activist.  Besides, Soviet Spies and Zionist Spies were often one and the same; both alleging the other were "corrupting", while not addressing the Common(/Jewish Supremacist) Origins - from which neither had sufficiently deviated.  Both so-called "National Bolshevism" and so-called "Right-Wing Zionism" were still more Left-Wing than not; when not also in promise, in practice.

Thus, some of the ostensible conflicts in The Middle East were diversions; the current Invading Hordes being among the outcomes of Zio-Socialist Conspiracies - both by Soviets and N.A.T.O.  However, it should still be noted that legitimate changes - though slowly and sometimes over-stated by "National Bolsheviks" and Collaborators therewith - were occurring within The Soviet Union.

General Remer talked about Reunifying Germany and having it enter a German-Soviet Alliance, suggesting German Labour being hired to build new Soviet infrastructure, paying off all of Germany's debts, in exchange for Anti-N.A.T.O. and Anti-Zionist Policies, which theoretically could have worked, if Soviets suddenly kept deals with Racial Europeans, though that's a dubious pretense, though he overstated the extent of Nationalistic Reforms and understated Non-White Influence - including Jewish.  It should also be noted that while his critiques of Zionism and N.A.T.O. would generally be accurate, the Apparthied White Governments of Africa and (sometimes, even White) South American Juntas were preferable to White Interests over (often Non-White) Communists.  Theoretically, a German-Soviet Alliance could have changed these relationships - if through a (possibly brief, though probably protracted) period of Intercontinental Wars (however much as Proxy Wars, given N.A.T.O.) - but Jewry's Internationalism makes that unlikely. 

I suspect Putin would have been open to a deal like that, even if only whilst playing both sides, as he often has and sometimes still does, but he wasn't high enough up the ladder to do it himself; he would have merely been worked into the new fold, presumably, if not among those Conspirators.

Remer, regardless, stated the deal fell through because his Soviet Counterparts weren't willing - unless more in "The West" thought as he did.  While he somewhat had Reagan, in Africa and South America, Reagan was Liberalizing in America and preferred Zio-Jihadis to Soviets in The Middle East; two sides of the same shekel, so long as no one like Remer could Assassinate Jew Andropov and install at least a Kislyak.

For the sake of accuracy, I'll note that it's not known (except to any Surviving Conspirators) whether or not Kislyak was a Conspirator; he's merely an Ex-Soviet and Russian Federation Ambassador seemingly open to such, at least because he was seen in "The West" as a Moderate within The Soviet Union but is basically a Putinist now.

Notably, when "Liberalism" became a Synonym of "Communism", both started marketing as "Progressive".  "Progressives" of old were made Pariahs or Assassinated, since these now were both more Scientific, Logical and Compassionate than either Jewed "Right" or Jewed Left.  It is like how "Staunch Conservativism" in The South in The '50's often meant the Inverse of Modern "Conservativism", which is not to say it meant "Leftism" but that Modern "Conservativism" is a Closet Leftism.

I would say America's Republicans (being of Radical Leftist Origins, though Feigned Moderation, albeit later Dixiecrat Infiltrated and mostly Leftist Abandoned - before being Modern Democrat Infiltrated) became more Trotskyite in The Middle East (being more Zionist, most of the time; Modern Democrat Obama effectively having been more Zionist, at least from 2011) and more Stalinist Domestically (being not as for any "New Soviet Man" as Modern Democrats, though not entirely Anti-Mongrelist, most of the time; Earl Warren being an Infamous Modern Republican Mongrelist), with its Anti-Communism (first Abandoned Domestically, then in Europe and then elsewhere) since Subverted by its Cult of Compromise, whereas Modern Democrats became more Stalinist in The Middle East (still being more Zionist than not, at least, though not always admitting it) and more Trotskyite where there are Whites (with Modern Democrats being Mongrelists and other Degenerates, enabled by Republican Compromises).

Trump promised to change this, to varying extents, though he more sold out than helped Whites; even now, the good things to come - in the short term - from Wuhan Flu are Jew-Countered by a Plan of Subversion to which he has already caved.  He's more of a Libertarian than a Nationalist, though Libertarians vary enough in which are the preferred Hypocrisies that it's difficult to get any two to agree for more than five minutes of serious discussion.

If you check, you'll see I repeatedly warned about both Jew Adam Kokesh, Ron Paul and Donald Trump; being glad support of the former basically disappeared, disappointed Pro-Whites never got to test whether the Cult of Paul would actually allow Pro-White Secession or what that Civil War would look like, and settling for trying to use Trump as much as possible - while trying to limit his Leftisms as much as possible.

Related to both of these, to varying extents, whatever the degree of dissimilarity, would be Lolberts; sometimes merging into Right-Fascists and sometimes Left-Fascists, with Fascists having spanned almost the entire Political Spectrum - since W.W.II.

Libertarians are far more Communistic than Anti-Communistic, though few will admit that and even fewer will try to change to something more reasonable.

There's also a development, as often observed in Former Soviet Regimes, to one extent or another, that's more-or-less an Inverted Libertarianism; more Socially Conservative or even Nationalistic, with Liberal or even Communistic Economic Policies.  Flawed, though often less so than Libertarianism.

There is some Inverted Libertarianism, among "Middle American Radicals"; some more Libertarian, some more Early Reaganite, some more Late Reaganite or otherwise Blue Dog a.k.a. Reagan Democrat, and some more Reactionary - though not yet fully cognizant of their leanings.  Trump offers an "Alt-Lite" approach to this, which is to say he was Jewry's Plant from the beginning. 

Benito Mussolini started out so Leftist, as he was raised, even having Mestizo Socialist Revolutionary Benito Jaurez as his Namesake, that Lenin called him "Western Europe's Only True Marxist".  Realizing he couldn't win either a believable election or a Civil War that way, he turned more to Centrism.  Hitler was moving more to The Right, so Mussolini had to move with him.  This is how he became "Far-Right", though some of it is just The Allies kept Slippery Sloping Left. 

One question is, though, for Our Future: What will follow Trump and how will Putin react to it?