Monday, December 26, 2011

Of Blood, Faith and Culture

 I offer here a composite of two selections together in one Treaties; “An Inquiry into Chesterton’s Mentality” and “A Proposal of Kinism”. 

    As Scholars have noted, turn of the century England had a peculiar tendency to confuse a Doctrinally-Sound argument with a humorous rebuttal (though today we’re more likely to see a argument refuted not by facts but by accusations of “Racism“); Chesterton, an educated man and known as a rather witty fellow, both confounded and amused his audience.  Had he not employed the use of societies quirks to his advantage, such as allowing himself to be photographed or painted in a form which showed his hefty size (early 20th century England having a widespread association of obesity with Higher Education), we probably would not remember him.  This would be a shame; his commentaries on Catholicism have clarified for many various points of misconception that have literally lead to entire Denominations splitting from The Holy Roman and Apostolic Faith.  His Defence of Agriculture, opposed to Agribusiness, is Legendary.  His Condemnation of Usury (the System of Wage Slavery known today as "Fractional Reserve Banking" - the very Apostate System for which Christ made a whip and drove The Moneychangers from His Temple!) made him Despised by The Established Order and Beloved by more Traditional members of White Christian Civilization.  Still, there is one factor which will forever undermine the sound aspects of Distributism; Socialism.  Diminished in capacity though it may be, it is still present.  No Legislation can replace Morality, albeit Legislation should comply with Christian Doctrines of Morality!  Therefore, I must say that the only “Redistribution of Wealth” should be from those that have Usurped it to those who have Earned it!  Instead of Marx’s “From every man according to his work to every man according to his need” - we must use Christ’s “Render to every man according to his deed”!

    When G.K. Chesterton said “The problem with Capitalism is that there are too few Capitalists”, it was considered by his contemporaries (as it is by modern - especially Modernist -Scholars) to be more a humorous remark than an ideological one.  It has not often been acknowledged, however, how true this actually is.  Of course, there’s also an obvious error which Chesterton was quick to point out in a much less jovial manner; Capitalism - as noted by its founder - “will only work in a Christian Nation”.  Adam Smith was actually involved in an Anti-Catholic organization.  His prequel to “An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of The Wealth of Nations”, the oft-neglected “A Theory of Moral Sentiments”, adhered to the Protestant vision of Christianity.  I, for one, always found it odd that the Protestant Motto should be “Sola Scriptura” - Scripture Alone; after all, Scripture is Denied by these same Pagans when it endorses the view of the “Roman Cathlici”.  As any good “Damned Papist” can tell you, 1st and 2nd Timothy are about the proper Hierarchy and functions of His Clergy.  Oddly, Protestants often quote “Call no man on earth your Father”; notice the context of this term.  Father, capitalized at the end of the sentence, is clearly a reference to The Heavenly Father; God would not, after all, speak often about Kinship and then denounce any acknowledgement of Genetics!  Likewise, He would not speak of Fellowship and then denounce terms meant to foster it!  So it is with Purgatory: The very description of Purgatory is 1st Corinthians 3:15!  

    Why do I mention all this?  Simple: By pointing out the absurdity of the Protest, the absurdity of Doctrines stemming from it comes to clarity.  Thus, Smith’s Doctrine of Capitalism - though not the Economic Principles of Free Trade - must be denounced!  This brings us to an argument about what the plain Meaning of Words is regarding “Free Trade”.  To understand that, we must also look at what this erroneous notion of Socialism is.  Of course, it was originally intended as a stepping-stone towards Marxism.  Marx, allegedly, once considered himself to be a Christian - albeit not one of his Doctrines was even remotely inline with either Scripture, Prophecy or Legitimate Papal Decree!  Marx later admitted openly that he was a Satanist; in one of his poems, he said “I have sworn eternal war against The Most High”! 
    What few realize, however, is that Karl Marx - born Moses Mordecai Levy - was a Khazar.  The importance of this fact alone can neither be understated nor expressed too often!  Whilst volumes can and have been written on Esau-Edomites, The Invasion of Judea and the Culmination of this Abomination in today’s Uncouth excuse for a Culture (what is generally referred to with no lack of contempt as The Multi-Cult), I will keep this as brief yet as informative as possible:

    What is a Khazar?  To answer this question, I would “Legally” be guilty of “Hate Speech”; even long before America’s “National Defense Authorization Act”, I would have been viewed as "Dead to Rights".  Let’s commit a little Thoughtcrime, shall we?  Khazars are a Nation of Esau-Edom [you may remember this Accursed Breed (not to be confused with any of the numerous Breeds, such as those of Holy Job's People, the Uzzites, which sadly succumbed to the ceaseless waves of Chamite Hordes which were Servile to Esau-Edom!) from The Holy Bible, though doubtful if you follow any of the “Respectable” - read: “Judeo-Christian” - Denominations]; originating in 552, this Branch of the Arabic Nation migrated northwards, leaving a trail of Human Carnage in its wake.  By 640 A.D., it had spread to Bulgaria; the Bulgars were eventually Inundated and Conquered by that Godless Nation.  Given the standard practice amongst those Hybrids known as Khazars of “Amalgamation”, I doubt any true Bulgars even still exist; if they do - they must be nearing Extinction!  You may remember 640 A.D. as the year when Anglo-Saxons Converted peacefully to Christianity, and the Genocidal Pedophilic Terrorist Muhammad [born to an to a Judaic Esau-Edomites Harlot and a Chieftain of The Tribe of Kaddesh (see Kaddesh, Son of Cham, in The Table of Nations set forth in Genesis)] founded Islam; using Judaism and Judaic Myths regarding Christianity as it’s basis, combining it with Arabic Paganism - which, like Judaism, originated from Chanaanite Paganism!  In 750 A.D., Bulan, the Khazar King, Mass-Converted his Satanic Horde to Talmudic “Judaism”; the Myth which originated in 70. A.D., when the Esau-Edomite’s Genocide against Semites was complete, and “those who say they are the Jews, but are not, but do lie, but are of The Synagogues of Satan” so thoroughly mimicked Their Father’s (The Devil’s) greatest Deception - convincing the world that They do not exist!  That's also when the "reconstruction" (corruption) of The Temple of David occurred; changing it to the Satanic Hexagonal Tower!  Again, volumes can and have been written about the Branches of The Khazar Nation - which like its Ancestors mimicked Satan’s greatest Deception!  One Khazar Family, however, has bragged for centuries about controlling any nation whose Leaders it had a hold over via controlling its money supply.  This Usurious Family, which proclaimed itself “The House of Rothschild”, is a prime example of everything that is wrong with the very existence of Esau-Edomites - not to mention the Doctrines which They have Coerced upon Us!  As one Historian noted, “Volumes of nonsense have been written about the Rothschilds.  For this, the family is largely to blame.” 

    I should mention here that G.K. Chesterton lived in a time when a Legitimate Supreme Pontiff held The Papal Seat as His Vicar; today, however, the Novus Ordo has denounced His Elect and has Blasphemed to be His Holy Church!  Apart from the sheer morbid absurdity of a Social, Economic or Political Ideology based upon such a False Religion, there is another aspect of Civilization - a Fundamental aspect - which I would like to address more directly; a facet of Sedevacantism, as well as a sound Socio-Econo-Political Philosophy, I wish to discuss is Racialism. 

    What is Racialism?  Racialism, also known as Kinism, is the Doctrine of Racial Purity; it is a Doctrine which for about 1.8 million years has ensured the existence of The White Race.  It is, to be “Unlawfully” Honest, entirely Natural.  It is also the Ideology for which Gordon Kohl was shot and then hacked to death in an act of State Terrorism against an American Citizen.  His “Crime” was, Officially, “Tax-Evasion”; in reality, he Objected - on Public Television - to paying any more Taxes to The Synagogues of Satan.  Those words, albeit you will most likely never hear this in a Sermon, are Christ’s; He, in fact, used them repeatedly.  He uses them in The Book of Daniel, and twice in The Revelation of St. John The Divine. 

    What should a Racialist Civilization look like?  Simple: A Theocratic Monarchy functioning within a Minarchist Structure i.e. as a  Night Watchman State; Sovereignty would be valued over Union, Militias (Citizens’ Armies) should entirely replace Bureaucratic Militaries, and Agrarianism would be supplemented by Hunting and gathering, as well as with general Survivalism.  Ultimately, again, it would have to be a Meritocracy. 

    One aspect of Racialism is Tribalism; this is not only about Preserving your Race but also the different Sub-Groups.  There is also something which was once so obvious that even those that were Brainwashed into “Anti-Racism” would not refute it; this is Familism; this is about putting the Welfare of your Family first!  Family First is a Doctrine which is inline with Christianity, but which is viewed as Abhorrent in Gentile “Goyim” by the Khazars! 

    Chesterton was not found of Them, so why did he allow any trace of Their Ideology to Infect his?  Ultimately, we must ask ourselves of Chesterton: “Why doth thou undermine thyself?” 

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Considerations for Future Civilizations

 First, We need to compile everything which in it's Origin is Uniquely Aryan; this means not only having been created by Whites but having been without Non-White Influence to any extent.  From this, I would to examine the Merits and derive a list of the most Aryan Qualities of all Innately Aryan Inventions. 

Then, I'd like to look at what was created by Whites, but which is either of Unknown or (even in part) Non-White Inspiration; such as Musical Genres, Literature Styles, Martial Arts and Devices.  We would not bother with any Hybrid Ideologies - given the obvious Inherent Fallacies of such a move!  I would like to separate, then, those Categories for the latter into two more; that which does not undermine The Aryan Ethos and that which does.  We would immediately discard, of course, the latter.  Given what Volumes We know of History, We can safely assume that which is of any Non-White Influence though does not undermine The Aryan Ethos is either a result of an Origin in a Doctrine Created by one of the numerous Lost White Civilizations and/or later White Influence.  Given a choice between the former of those latter two and something which is Inherently White, however, We would of course choose the latter. 

Also, there comes applying Eugenics to Our Own Kind.  Racial Purity, true Racial Purity, is an Imperative.  We must, additionally, Educate Our Kind in Our Cultures.  Furthermore, We must preserve the Nordic Sub-Group.  The Norics and Dinarichs, like the Nordid Atlantids and Atlantics, should Breed either with each other (if this step is necessary to facilitate it) or with Mediterraneans; ultimately having those four Sub-Groups Breed back into the Mediterranean Sub-Group.  Nordid Alpinids should breed back into Alpines.  That's how they all started; it's what they should return to being. 

This begs the question of what Alpines even are: Are they the result of mixing between Nordics and Mediterraneans, or a separate Evolutionary Line from the same Ancestor Breed as that of either Mediterraneans, an as-of-yet undiscovered Common Ancestor with Nordics, or an as-of-yet undiscovered Common Ancestor of the Ancestors of both Nordics and Mediterraneans - which then would have either Bred with one or both of the aforesaid Ancestor Breeds, Birthed another as-of-yet undiscovered Ancestor Breed for Alpines, or both - or a combination thereof.

Caucasoids, opposed to true Caucasians, should cast Their Seed amongst either the Mongoloids or Negroids; whichever Non-Whites are most similar to said Hybrids.  Esau-Edomites, Dravidians and Hybrids thereof should plunge into either the other Negroid or other Mongoloid Genepools.  This goes, as well, for any and all forms of Inuit, Amerindians, Mestizoids, Pacific Islanders and Hybrids thereof.  Mongoloids, in addition, are Hybrids in Origin; all Negroids, furthermore, also have at least one other Breed in Them. 

The White Race, and only The White Race, as Genetic Testing Proves beyond even a Shadow of a Doubt, has had this substantial a Genetic Imperative and thus Innate Common Sense to remain a Pure Race! 

Of course, to retain this, apart from the aforesaid, We will have to Abolish The Usury System!  We must, also, in addition to a return to Tribalism, Embrace a combination of an Agrarian and Hunter-Gatherer System.  Each Man, Woman and Child must be Farmer, Hunter, Gatherer, Soldier, Scientist, Philosopher, Historian and Field Medic all in one!  However, whilst We must Train in all of these things, We must Specialize in accordance with Our Innate Talents!  Therefore, We must remember how each is interconnected; regarding both how one can improve the other in Academic Nature and in their Natural Role in Creating and Maintaining Civilization!  As for Industrialism: Whilst it is not in error to have Technological Advancements, these should in no way, shape or form be put before Racial Purity or Tradition!  The Multi-Cult has already proven my point countless times over.  I suggest, in addition to being a Meritocracy, establishing a Minarchy a.k.a. Night Watchman State along Monarchistic lines!  Our Economic System would be a Nationalist version of Anarcho-Capitalism.  For more information on this Civilization Structure, and on my Genetic Research, see my articles labeled "Non-Linear Micro-Evolution and Intelligent Design" and "Planning Ahead". 

Thursday, December 15, 2011

"NDAA" is Martial Law! Welcome to the U.S.S.A.!

 NDAA is the most Constitutionally Offensive and Morally Obscene Mandate that ZOG has ever crammed down Our Throats!  It will be used to Enforce all that is Vile, and the insipid populace will do nothing about it.   I am calling, for those of you who aren't familiar with my Ideology, for Expiation.  This is a Holy War.  We have been subjected to the most Vulgar, the most Heinous forms of Tyranny.  We are living under Bolshevism - only now the Sexual Degeneracy that was always a part of it is more blatant than ever!  "The greatest threat to the survival of The White Race is in Washington D.C. - and They are your Masters"! 

What "NDAA" has "authorized" (as if it isn't entirely Unconstitutional and Immoral!) is disturbingly similar to Bolshevism.  By similar, I mean it is the same damn thing.  They have laid the footwork for America to experience first-hand the sheer and utterly Heinous Atrocities Perpetrated by Soviet Jews against Whites!  The Katyn Massacre, The White Holodomors, The Russian Genocide, The Cossack Genocide, The Gulag Archipelago, The Berlin Mass-Rapes, The Vienna Mass-Rapes, The Polish Mass-Rapes, The Hungarian Mass-Rapes, The Estonian Mass-Rapes, The Check Mass-Rapes, The Slovakian Mass-Rapes - do you see where this is going?!  Yes, there may be some Non-Whites that are Imprisoned, Tortured and Murdered - but you can be damn sure of what the real Agenda is!  It's all about Control - and We are the main Obstacle to that Control!  We always have been - that's why They so thoroughly Despise Us!  History tells the Truth, even if your Text-Book does not.  The Occupation Military was caught - on camera! - arresting (without reason!) American Citizens!  This is Unconstitutional - THEY HAVE *NO* JURISDICTION!  No Trails is going to take place - these Citizens are now "Terrorists"!   Apparently - they SAID the wrong thing!  Free Speech?  In your dreams.  We are living under Martial Law.  This is Bolshevism masquerading as Capitalism.  This is Bolshevism masquerading as Constitutionalism!  This is Bolshevism - end of story! 
Now, let's put it in perspective, shall we?  Bob Mathews warned us.  Look what happened to him.
Gordon Kohl warned us.  Same story. 

The list goes on and on.  Ruby Ridge and Waco are infamous examples. 

McVeigh was right; it isn't even that he acted to soon - the rest of Us just didn't act at all!  Now would be a good time to act.  Let's pick a more important target, however; let's pick "The Federal Reserve" - it's neither Federal nor a Reserve!  What it is, however, is a Shadow Government!  It's entirely Illegal and yes, entirely Immoral!  These Alchemists think They are God, and Usury is Their Religion!  Centralized Banks are The Temples of Usury.  Make yourself a whip and drive The Moneychangers from The Temples!  These are Satanic Ideologies, and They are Satanic Breeds that begot them!  They have no Soul to Save, so do not waste your time.  Purge Them now - or more Innocents will suffer! 

Louis Beam was right; the single greatest threat to Our Survival is Ourselves - WE ARE TOO DAMN TOLERANT!  We LET this happen!  We did NOTHING to stop it!  Without Egalitarian Whites - NONE of this would have been possible!  Stop hating your Race!  Wake the fuck up and smell the rotting corpses of your Kinsman!   THIS IS WAR - ACT LIKE IT!  Do not try to Save what is without a Soul!  Do not spare what will only try again to Rape and Murder Our Kind!  The only Mercy, truly, is when We Purge Them from Existence!  Don't just Exile Them - Purge Them!  If I had it my way, We would all take down at least ten of those Bastards each before the year is over. It is by no means impossible. I am calling, quite simply, for "High Treason". I am calling for Resistance to something so sheer and utterly Beyond Perverse, that to call it Evil is an understatement.  


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Maiden of Kosovo

What are the chances today of a Woman wandering the Battlefield in search of her Lover and treating the wounded as she did so?  I doubt it would happen at all; more likely, unfortunately, they would claim to mourn from the Safety of an entirely separate Land, Marrying again before the year was over.  It wasn’t always like that, however; in the Glorious days of old, Knights would Court a Lady and when it was time for Battle, their Lover would give them her scarf to wear into Battle as a reminder of what they were Fighting for.  No matter what Convictions they had, those who Fought in order to return to a Lover always Fought the hardest.  Meanwhile, she would await his return each and every night.  There are confirmed stories of Ladies who turned down offers from prominent Nobles of Peerage because decades later, they were still waiting for their Lover to return!  Statistically speaking, this notion would today be deemed absurd.  Historically, however, these Knights and Ladies were deemed Romantics and were Praised for their Devotion!

Just so everyone's clear: Courting was, as it is meant to be, an entirely Celibate affair!  Hollywood would have you believe that Christian Europe is a Myth and that it was really Kikes, Sand Niggers and every other Vile Breed that did everything of Value - but that’s just what you get when the Electronic Jew is allowed to write your “Historical Records”!  If They could, They would burn this Painting and replace it with one Praising Arabs!  They seek to Desecrate any and all aspects of White Christian Culture for the sole reason that They know once Our Cultural Heritage is gone, the existence of Our People as anything other than Slaves will follow!  Everything Our Kind once Fought for is now called "Racist"; this alleged Sin is feared beyond belief - though actual Sin is lauded as "Diversity"!

Kosovo Je Srbija! 

"I know where thou dwellest, where the seat of Satan is"

  The Zionist Occupation Congress having passed "The Seven Noahide Laws", especially since We The People had no say in it, and virtually no one has heard of it, is more than a little disconcerting. They're not actually The Seven Noahide Laws, as then I would support them; what The Zionist Occupation Congress passed are Torah and Talmudic Perversions of The Seven Noahide Laws!  With Obama also declaring that McCain-Levin a.k.a. NDAA doesn't even need to pass, being as he claims he has a "Right" as "President" to Assassinate American Citizens, even on American soil, for even being a "Suspected Terrorist", which having "more than seven days worth of food" declares you - there is nothing left in "America" for which I give a flying fuck! Pardon my French.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Irony and Hope

  Ironically, the development of Polygamy to counter Socialism, White Slavery and the "Mail Order Brides" that (when not actually White Slaves) originated as a way to "escape Socialism" (it actually took them to a less Socialist Regime - though now "America" is MORE Socialist!) may very well result in White Families gaining back the Lands which were Stolen from their Ancestors by Khazars and Mongols!  Then, Polygamy will decline, as will "Mail Order Brides" - thus narrowing down the field for finding which ones are really White Slaves! 
As the number of childless couples grows in Russia, parents are being offered an incentive to defy the Soviet stigma surrounding larger families. 

Russia has captured a few Khazars that were involved in The White Slave Trade!  Unfortunately, it is extremely hard to capture that - as "Israel" harbors Them!  They're not going to let Whites stop Their Fellow Khazars from Enslaving Us Gentile "Goyim".

Someone has the right idea:

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Planning Ahead

  We need to start a shell-company just to buy up large tracks of Fertile, middle-of-nowhere land. Everyone would invest equally and would then set up shop with the basics of any good Civilization - a smorgasbord of Agrarianism, Animal Husbandry, Hunting, Fishing and Gathering - as Our key means of Survival.  We'd have a true Barter Society amongst Ourselves, creating a Usury Free Currency of Gold, Silver, Platinum or a combination thereof if such means become necessary. Additionally, We'd Log, Mine and Drill.  We'd become Self-Sufficient.  We'd have a large, easily-Defensible complex - a Barracks - from which we'd operate.  Verses like "He who does not work, neither shall he eat" and "To every man according to his deed" would be Our Mottos. We'd run it as a Meritocracy.

Of course, We would become targets for The Regime; this is why We would Train in Combat Tactics, using both Modern and Primitive Weapons, in addition to a wide array of Mixed Martial Arts.  We would cut out the unnecessary movements and otherwise refine the different Styles; blending them to new Mixed Martial Arts of Our own.  Each Person, furthermore, would refine it to suit their own Talents.  We would also Train - of course - to Disarm any opponent, as well as to use Their own Force (Strength, Speed, Momentum and Velocity), Tactics and Weapons against Them!  Additionally, We would Train in Field Medicine.  It is a Basic Tactic of Guerrilla Warfare against any of The Occupation Regimes in The First World to take out your Adversary's Medic; They will risk the lives of all to save this one.  Additionally, if They display any System of Rank, it is wise to dispatch the Commanding Officers.  Black Ops do not wear insignia for just this reason.  However, if anyone does, take out the Medic and then take out the Officer trying to save him; if you attempt it the other way around, everyone will scurry to protect the Medic as he operates - thus protecting Their C.O.!  It's Counter-Productive.  What's more, Psychological Warfare would also be an area of Study; both how to Endure it and how to Execute it!

It would be further beneficial for Us to also do some False-Flag Ops of Our own.  Instead of going to some Pseudo-Nationalists, giving them pointless targets and then busting them, We'd find some Liberal chat room or infiltrate the Occupy Movement; We'd mix in a little Truth with the Liberal Propaganda which They're already indoctrinated with, only naming the Jew when the target audience already has or if it's implied by a large amount of Palistinianism (unfortunately, Palistinianism is how most think Zionism should be Countered - though it's really just two sides of the same Esau-Edomite coin!), thus provoking Them to do Our work for Us!  It wouldn't then be "Racists" that would be Vilified - it'd be Liberals!  Of course, They would try to make Them seem like Us; in the end, however, the "useful idiots" that are "Neo-Conservatives" would Debunk this for Us.  The best part is that even if We got caught, it'd just go to show that We know about False-Flag Operations - some of which They have even admitted to - that provide a Probable Cause for Resistance!  If We are not linked to it, however, it would still further cause Them to tear Themselves apart for Us!  It's a Win-Win Scenario!

Jews used False-Flags to take down Monarchists and Capitalists in The Soviet Union; why shouldn't We do it against Them everywhere? 

 I've toyed with different ideas for years. Unfortunately, whenever I found those who were interested, I found a common problem; either they were Students and thus strapped for cash, had a mortgage and thus the same scenario or had just payed off their home and - again - didn't have the money. Ironically, if We are Successful - that will never be an issue again!  We won't have to worry about "Affirmative Action" or being Rejected or Fired for "Racism".  We won't have to worry about being Socially Ostracized.  Plus, Crime - especially Violent Crime - will plummet.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Occupation and Inquisition: The Real Victims, and The Cult of Victomhood

 Since The Iron Maiden was created to draw attention to a Torture Museum and other "Torture Devices" turned out to be Medical Instruments used in Amputation or more fakes, how the Hell were "millions of people tortured during The Inquisitions"? Also, why is it "sinful" to kill or even simply Exile those that Invaded your Country, Enslaved your People and then set about Raping and Murdering your People en mass? The Anti-White Propaganda is so provably false that it isn't even comical - it's simply Blasphemous! The number of "God's Chosen People" behind this likewise indicates a deliberately Anti-White Conspiracy. The fact that many of those Khazar Jews, as well as many others, have admitted this should cast aside any of your "Enlightened" (Humanist i.e. Anti-Christian) Myths!

 No one has ever been at War with The White Race that wasn't simultaneously at War with Christianity, and no one has ever been at War with Christianity that wasn't at War with Whites. The problem believed to be Christianity is "Judeo-Christianity"; it is a sub-set of Judaism, much like Islam. Whilst it is true that "Judeo-Christianity", "Chrislam", Judaism, Islam and other manifestations of Alien Mythology basically Preach the same thing, Christianity and it's Hebraic predecessor are Fundamentally Distinct in every way from all of the aforesaid; what is ostensibly the same is in fact thoroughly different, and this becomes more and more apparent through both a combination of reading the plain text in full and by putting it in it's proper context by considering Racial Reality! 

We must shake off the shackles of Foreign Thought, and Embrace what it means to be truly Aryan!

Friday, December 2, 2011

"Hell hath laid its egg and here it hatched!"

 The Occupation Senate has approved a Bill which declares it "Legal" for the Military to commit both Sodomy and Bestiality!  Additionally, Congress has declared it "Legal" for the President to order Assassinations of American Citizens - even within American Borders!  Even after Anwar Al-Awlaki turned out to be a Law-Abiding Catholic, opposed to a Muslim Terrorist, the Occupation Congress approved the McCain-Levin Bill - declaring it "Legal" for the President to use Predator Drones over U.S. Borders!  They claim that Obama already had that "Right" - this is meant to appeal to the "Compromise" and "National Security"-obsessed "Neo-Conservatives"!  What this does is even further Compromise America's Security!  In the words of Louis Beam: "You no longer have a Constitution in this land!"  You no longer have even a Semblance of Sanity in this Land!  Think about it: Having missing fingers, having Guns, having waterproofed Ammunition, and even having more than 7 days of Food makes you a "Suspected Terrorist"; now - "Legally allowed to be detained indefinitely without trail"!  None of Our Rights are being Acknowledged or Respected!  Your Rights mean nothing to Them!  They gave you one Trail; They asked "Are you White?" - and They found you Guilty of that so-called Sin!  It doesn't matter to Them whether or not you desire to preserve The Aryan Ethos - They want you Dead or Enslaved!  They are flooding Our Lands with all sorts of Creatures that are sheer and utterly Beyond Perverse!  They are Blaspheming from Their Sinners' Pulpits that "Amalgamation Is God's Will"!  They are "Amalgamating" Our Cultures with The Foreign Perversions!  They are "Amalgamating" Our Race with The Foreign Races!  They despise Us because We are the Civilization Builders and those whom can properly Maintain Civilization!  They claim to be Superior - They are only Superior in being Derisory! 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

When The Shit Hits The Fan...

 What We've seen so far is nothing.  Novus Ordo desires to appease The Strange Gods of Zionism are growing and the sad irony is that whilst the Novus Ordo is blurring increasingly with Anglicanism, Protestants continue to direct hatred towards Sedevacantists due to the Heretical claims of the Novus Ordo to being Catholic.  Bishop Williamson, if the rumors are true, is going to bring us out of the caves (to allude to Christianity's past, when we Conspired to overthrow Pagan Regimes to save the Lives of The Faithful - something at which we Succeeded!) and into the forefront of public knowledge!  If so, War between the Zionists, Palistinianists and Identists will be inevitable!  In the end, that is how it wiill all boil down.  Race Wars are likewise inevitable; this will only serve to exacerbate them - and they will only serve to exacerbate this!  After all, it is Their Blood Feud against Us which created Their Paganisms in the first place!  It is Their Blood Feud which divided Our Nations, allowed Them to Invaded Our Lands, Rape, Murder, Brainwash and Enslave Our Kind, and pit Us against Our Brethren!  Loyalism to the Corrupt Leaders all over the world will only exacerbate all of this!  Pagans, refusing to see the Genetic and Historical Facts, as well as the Cultural Merits of Christian Identity, not to mention it's true Dual Seedline nature, will further this Catastrophe that is Fratricide!  God isn't simply going to Save you - you have to Earn His Grace!  You have to Save yourself; His Grace is in being Merciful enough to even allow you to exist - not to mention allowing you the opportunity to Earn Redemption!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Anders Behring Breivik: The Hypocrisy of a "Bi-Partisan" Boogyman

Breivik was found to be "Criminally Insane"; due to the way "Progressivism" works, this means there will be no real Punishment.  Due to The Regime's handling of the Insane, he'll be out in three years.  Why, oh, why would They let this  happen?!  Oh, right, he's a Master Mason, a Zionist, a Plagiarist (Ted Kaczynski's Manifesto is virtually identical, albeit he was ironically both a Khazar and an Anti-Zionist!) and perhaps a Khazar (he had Plastic Surgery to look more Aryan; now, however, he claims to regret the lose of his "great Nordic nose" - which he did not have!)!

Remember Jared Lee Loughner?  Another "White Supremacist Christian Extremist" that turned out to be a Khazar Supremacist Zionist Extremist!

Remember Columbine?  First, They claimed it was "Neo-Nazis" - then it turned out They were Khazars! Then They claimed it was "Goths" - though there was no Evidence for this!  Both of those Myths are still widely believed! 

Seeing a pattern of Media Distortions by Khazars, are we?

 Given how close he came to achieving his goal, either he was just severely misguided or (in a case of Life Imitating Art) he was an Agent Provocateur who started actually believing his Cover Story; the existence of Cultural Marxism makes either a possibility - one exacerbated by developments like and MK-ULTRA and Project Northwoods!

Let's consider the facts of the case: Officially, he didn't know that his main target wasn't at the office; which is why he changed his focus to the island.  However, some witnesses say there was a second person who set the bombs, and its even been officially stated that he went to the island with a real Police Badge!  That's not even to mention that the Cops somehow knew his name to shout it BEFORE arresting him, nor that it took an hour and a half for the First Responders to reach the bomb site - while he was still shooting people on the island!  Those he attacked were mostly White, and the Protesters were advocates of Palistinianism!  This all comes after Israelis Condemned Norway for refusing to aid the Israeli-Endorsed "Kinetic Military Action" brought forth by Obama (the second War he can't blame on Bush - the first being Egypt!) in Libya!

As for the rest: While Their Occupation Regime Denies that MK-ULTRA was successful and that Project Northwoods was ever put to use - The Soviets did put such things to use!  It isn't admitted that anything like MK-ULTRA was successful - though the Soviet version of Project Northwoods did crush many Monarchist and Capitalist Organizations and Movements!  Regicide, Genocide, Religicide, Politicide and all-around Democide were put to use by The Bolsheviks to create The Soviet Union!  They then continued to use Genocide, Religicide, Politicide and Democide in a much more organized and - unfortunately - effective fashion to retain Power for as long as They did!  Now, Cultural Marxism is being used in all White Countries to do the same thing in a less-obvious fashion - though that's not to say Innocent People are not Assassinated! 

"Bi-Partisan Legislation": Progressing to Conserving a Khazarian Ideology

  It's getting harder and harder to tell the difference between "Neo-Conservatives" and "Progressives"; in fact, "Neo-Conservativism" was even formed as a Compromise - a term that seems to be the very Essence of "Neo-Conservativism" - with "Progressivism".  "Progressives" were ostensibly a middle-ground between Liberalism, which had then become synonymous with Communism, and "Capitalism; in this case, "Global Capitalism" - already a "Progressive" Ideology in and of itself!  "Progressives", and by extension "Neo-Conservatives", work in a Socialist System under the 'guise of Capitalism; the goal of "Progressives" being to use Cultural Marxism to establish actual Marxism.  "Neo-Conservatives" will be happy with whatever the "Progressive"-approved notion of History tells them is "Conservative"... albeit with a "Compassionate" side.  What we have now is a System more comparable to Bolshevism than Capitalism; the difference between "Democrats" and "Republicans" is now as superficial as the difference between Bolsheviks and "Slavophiles"! 

Monday, November 28, 2011

Isolationism or Alienism: There is no middle ground.

Phobia: N. An Irrational Fear. "Xenophobia" is said to be "The Fear of Foreigners or Foreign Things." Given that every society which has ever attempted to "Amalgamate" has ended in Ruin, wouldn't this Fear be Justified? A better term, thus, would be Isolationism; a desire to stay separate from that which is different.  Why must "Diversity" always come at a loss to Us?  Why is no one else asked to abandon their ways for Us?  Whenever someone points out the absurdity of some other Race's Culture or disproportional Criminality of another Race, it is "Racist".  To blame Whites for things that were done by Non-Whites, or that are entirely fictitious, and to praise Non-Whites for the Inventions and Discoveries of Whites is said to be "Equality", "Diversity", "Cultural Enrichment" or whatever euphemism for a comprehensive Democide is being pushed at the time! 

Think about it: The easiest thing for Them to ask for is more "Hispanics", yet They can't even reach a consensus on what the CULTURAL term Hispanics means!  To use it as a Racial term is both inaccurate and disastrous. It's not that it's short-sighted; it's a deliberate attempt, like so many others, at "Amalgamating" the cultures to "Amalgamate" the Races. The problem is that Races do not Amalgamate; they get Destroyed!  While this will come as an improvement to many Non-Whites, it will be disastrous to Whites.  Furthermore, these mere Hybrids won't be able to sustain what Our Kind created.  In the end, the annihilation of The White Race will prove to be the downfall of Civilization and the beginning of a global Haiti.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

St. Augustine's Writings on Human Abortion, and an Inquiry into The Spirtual Natures of The Accursed Breeds

Like other Church Fathers, St Augustine "vigorously condemned the practice of induced abortion" as a crime, in any stage of pregnancy. That is where the debate ends with those that hath understanding.

The Heretics, however, insist that he considered in his works whether or not the child had yet been Gifted a Soul by God; They neglect, however, to mention, a denial in effect through implication, or They will openly deny, the fact that he concluded that it did not matter - for no one has the Right to deny the child the Right to be Gifted a Soul by God!

Seeing, however, that only The Lost True Isra'elites are Human, one must contemplate whether all Non-Gentiles have a Soul or if God only Gifts one to certain individuals as part of The Holy Balance - with which we are not to interfere!

As God Punishes, barring the necessity, in regards to His Holy Balance, for one or more generations to be spared, if He allows such a thing to come to pass, “unto the third or fourth generation”, using His Holy Discretion to determine The Proper Punishment For The Crime, in regards to The Merits of the Case, to decide unto which generation He shall be “bestowing the inequities of the father unto the son”, “son” therein, as derived from the context, bearing the archaic Meaning of “descendant”, if a way could be ascertained to determine if and when such exceptions are made, we could determine which are Heretical in Nature, and which are of Sound Mind - thus which deserve to live or die!

A Lost True Isra'elite in "Israel" is still a Lost True Isra'elite; for they are lost to their Rights, in regards to them not being acknowledged, even if they are officially, for the Zionist Occupation Government acts in a manner akin to denial of Our Sacred Rights! Only once Isra'el is restored as Our Gentile Nation Under God, will We be no longer Lost! One way or another - The Regime must fall! Those Lands are for the benefit of Our Kind - not those Accursed Esau-Edomites!

As for Sound Mind: There exist cases where an individual strives to have The Purest Intentions in regards to all things however their mind has been corrupted though it can be Saved; for example, the Schizophrenic. They may desire to only do good however they may be too insane to know what good is albeit they can be Saved; thus, it is not Our place to kill them but to aid in their recovery. However, not all insane beings can be Saved; We must use Our discretion, in accordance with The Laws of Logic, as so Graciously put forth by Almighty God, The Author of Science and Knowledge, to determine which do and which do not have Merit for Our Aid! Trust in The Author of Reality, for then you shall be Saved; all else is insanity!

Of Holy Rule and Obedience

"Slaves, obey your earthly masters with fear and trembling, with a sincere heart, as you would Christ, not by the way of eye-service, as people-pleasers, but as servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart, rendering service with a good will as to the Lord and not to man, knowing that whatever good anyone does, this he will receive back from the Lord, whether he is a slave or free. Masters, do the same to them, and stop your threatening, knowing that he who is both their Master and yours is in Heaven, and that there is no partiality with Him."

Notice, however, that Christ, Our Lord, Thy God, approves of The Lost True Isra'elites possessing slaves and remember that Chamites (Negroids) are to be "the servants of their (the Gentiles') servants", as God hath proclaimed. Thus, all are to submit to the True Master, God, however Cinites (Mongoloids) are also to submit to Us, so long as We submit to God, as, again, They must submit to God, and the Chamite is to submit to us, so long as we submit to God; however, They are also to submit to the Cinites, so long as they submit to God - though the Sinful of all Kinds are to be Executed in a Holy Purge!

Gentiles are not to enslave Gentiles!

God's Love is strictly limited to Merit; Those things without Merit, he equally despises - this is the only true Equality!

A Politically Incorrect (but Historically Accurate) guide to Slavery

Did you know that all 46 slaves ships were registered to Pseudo-Jews, many of the Auction Blocks were owned by Pseudo-Jews and Pseudo-Jews bought many of the Slaves?! In fact, before the 1700, only Whites were Slaves and Indentured Servants - and most were Illegally never freed! It wasn't until 1835 that Blacks could become Indentured Servants and the vast majority of Indentured Servants were still Whites!

Additionally, only six percent of The South owned Slaves and for the longest time, most of those were White Indentured Servants and for a significant period of time, they were White Slaves; once they had Black Slaves and a few Black Indentured Servants, many were Freed or even bought from Slaves Owners who were often Pseudo-Jews, Amerindians or those who lived in The North and/or pandered to the Pseudo-Jews! Also, most only owned 20 acres and 50 Slaves or less - which they most often received in exchange for additional years of Indentured Servitude!

Likewise, the Pseudo-Semite dominated Statist New World Order Media does not want you to know that Amerindians held Negros as Slaves and Illegally Enslaved many Whites; it was not until the Confederate States of America created an Alliance with the so-called "Five Civilized Tribes" that this practice ceased, as to continue it would mean war with The Confederacy - which was winning the war until Lincoln's Unconstitutional Orders and other acts which were considered Acts of Terrorism by the U.S. Constitution lead to it's downfall.

Also, the Amerindians weren't here first; the Solutreans were - and they were Nordics! They were a combination of White Canary Islanders, Vikings and Lost True Isra'elites! They were here even before Leaf Erikson came to Newfoundland and the Canadian mainland in 1001 - and they Explored and Settled many areas where there were none of those Mongoloids known as Amerindians! In fact, the Amerindians didn't even want Our Lands until We Explored and Settled the Lands which They had never even set foot on and previously didn't even know existed! Additionally, one Amerindian tribe in The American Southwest, which the Pseudo-Jew dominated Statist New World Order Media officially says - for Cultural Marxist purposes - was first inhabited by Amerindians and then by Mestizoids, admitted that they Stole those Lands from the Solutreans - before the Mestizoids even knew it existed! The same is true for the Inuit in Greenland! The Bimini Roads were built by White Canary Islanders 1,000 years before Mestizos even knew those Islands existed! The true Chachapoya were Nordic; as the Solutrean and Clovis Points, the 17,000,000 year old Architecture as advanced as what was seen in Medieval Europe and Nordic Skeletons and Mummies Proves beyond even a shadow of a doubt! Some of these True Chachapoya still Existed when the Spaniards came to Peru! The Spanairds called their Women "The Most Beautiful Women In The World" and quickly set about Converting them to Catholicism and Marrying them!

Thus, only Whites have a Right to The Western Hemisphere!

There were actually times when We were so massively out-numbered by Blacks that They Enslaved Us but We Resisted Them, and got Our Freedoms back - and We did it all without the aid of others! We had never harmed Them; They just Innately Despised Us - and They still do!

There are many such things!

Remember: You are only Pure White if you have only Pure White Genotypes and subsequently only Pure White Phenotypes! That's why We have to prevent Them from Miscegenating amongst Us; for failure to prevent such is to engage in Genocide! That is why it is not a "loaded-statement" to say "You are either with Us or against Us" - it's a Statement of Fact!

Notes on The Misunderstood Life of Adolf Hitler

An obvious Myth is that Alios' father was Leopold Frankenburger, opposed to Johann Georg Heidler; whose name was alternatively listed several ways before a clerk regularized it to one of those names, Hitler, on Alios' Birth Certificate! He wasn't on it before because Alios was born out of Wedlock; Johann was so hesitant to step forwards because having sex out of Wedlock was considered highly Immoral behavior - he was simply too ashamed to admit what they had done until later in Alios' life! Remember: No "Jews" were even allowed into Graz, from which all Khazars had been expelled in the 15th century, until many years after Alios was born! Frankenburger himself even said that Alios' Aryan Blood was obvious! Hitler's mother was then slandered as having had him as the Illegitimate Child of a Rothschild whilst working for said Khazar Family as a Maid - though no evidence that she ever even had sex with any "Jew" has ever been presented; no photographs or written or recorded oral testimonies exist! Hitler also does not bear any similarity to any of the Rothschilds! Additionally, it's a well-established fact that she was already intimate with Alios Hitler before that period! Of course, with the name Shicklegruber, he was smeared as a "Jew"; in reality, however, Shicklegruber - like so many other names - was originally German but was stolen by Khazars whilst pretending to be German! They alleged this is what this family did - though no evidence of it was ever brought forth! The next Myth about his Ancestry is that his mother was "Jewish"; no evidence has ever been presented whatsoever to substantiate this claim! Pseudo-Historians tried to keep the Myth that "Hitler was Jewish" alive by saying that his Nephew, William Patrick Hitler, had sent a letter to Hans Frank which threatened to expose "Hitler's Jewish Ancestry" - though no corroborating evidence for these outrageous claims was ever presented!

Hitler was beaten with a baton by his father from the time he was seven until his father died! The reason for this was because his mother favored him over his talentless brother (Alios Jr.), whom his father thought could have become a Doctor but his mother wanted the money to go to Hitler's Oberrealschule (Over-real-school i.e. Collage - now also known as Universitate; many of which, at least, are five years but eliminate some of the busy work and go more in-depth with actual studies and thus are the equivalent of a Graduate a.k.a. Masters Degree in America!), which caused him to run away from home - and Alios took out his rage in the form of physical abuse of a seven year old Hitler! In fact, his father caught him painting in a field and beat him so brutally with a baton that even his relatives which generally said he deserved it would later testify that it was "harsh"! This obviously and understandably had a negative impact on his grades and self-esteem! Also, his half-brother's death at nine understandably caused Hitler to become depressed and thus for his grade's to slip!

Despite the fact that his water colors and sketches are actually very talented works [though it was claimed that he had a "complete lack of appreciation for the Human form" - when in reality, his water colors INTENTIONALLY used silhouettes to draw the attention away from the people and towards the buildings (which is actually a common technique and one which everyone in the mainstream art-world that has used it has been Hypocritically Praised for!) and many People liked his Portraits; just as many People today still do - including Pseudo-Hebrews and Zionists of all kinds!] and the fact that it was admitted that he was talented at drawing buildings, so they suggested that he become an Architect, they declined him from the Academy of Architecture in Vienna!

Did you know that the only reason Hitler was not accepted into the Academy of Architecture in Vienna is that his diploma from realschule (real-school i.e. high school) had been ripped in half and used as toilet paper as a prank?  Officially, Hitler was drunk and did it out of spite for his teachers so his diploma was revoked and he was retro-actively changed from a Graduate to drop-out status!  They defended their stance by saying that he was an obstinate prankster however even if he did do it, it was his degree and he had been shown a complete lack of compassion for his abuse and recognition of his numerous talents - hence his acting out!  Thus, by retro-actively altering his Graduate status to a de facto failing one - they where undoubtedly acting out of spite!

Thus, though he was admittedly a skilled artist for Architecture and was even told he could have a brilliant future in Architecture, a high school prank - which he was blamed for! - prevented him from becoming the world-renowned Architect he deserved to be!

Due to his mother having been the only one that showed him any sense of compassion, except for his only friend during his adolescent years (from when he lived in a young mens' home at fourteen for six months when his mother was sick before running away and returning home) he literally begged the local doctor to treat her and since he made frequent house calls and saw that the adolescent Hitler couldn't repay him, he chose to treat her for free; which caused Hitler to say "I will forever hold you in my heart" - which is why he spared him from being exiled or executed for refusing to leave!

Thus, from seventeen to eighteen, he spent a year living on the streets and sleeping on park benches; as the vile Pseudo-Jewish shopkeepers spit on him, threw stale food at him, encouraged their grotesque and beyond perverse excuses for children to do the same to him - even spitting on him and calling him a rat as they chased him away from their stores simply for walking down the public sidewalks!

Therefore, he joined The Army and became a Decorated and Respected War Hero! Unfortunately, despite many praises from his fellow squad members, his so-called "Superior" made the absurd allegation that he did not possess the necessary qualities of a Leader!

When he was severely wounded in battle, in point of fact, his Commanding Officer noted that the entire squad’s Morale declined since they had lost such a great and brave soldier!

Though they told him he would never walk again - he did! He proved them wrong and all the while, as they literally told him to "just give up" and merely "be happy" he was even still alive, he thought of nothing other than recovering and firmly informed them of his Duty as a soldier - saying that he had a Duty to his King and Country to rejoin the brave men fighting and dying on the battlefield!

Unfortunately, the day they finally agreed to let him rejoin his squad, a messenger came in and informed them that the King had died and their Beloved Empire had surrendered - however it was the Pseudo-Jewish usurpers that gave the Despotic Order to surrender; according to The Tradition and Law of the Land, they were not only expected to but also Legally Required to Elect a new Emperor from amongst the Royals that where not banned from being Heirs and if none existed, it was The Tradition and Law of the Land to Elect a New Emperor from amongst the Nobles that where not banned from succeeding to The Throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire! The same is true for The Tradition and Law of the Land for The Kingdom of Germany! Thus, they were not “scapegoats” – they were Tyrants! He blamed the Pseudo-Jews in general because the Pseudo-Jewish community not only failed to denounce those usurpers and their Unholy and Treacherous actions, they refused to do so – and even out-right tried to defend those Heretical Terrorists!

Though the Pseudo-Jews slander him by saying that he was unintelligent, both enemies and allies testified that he was a true Genius; for he could remember, at the very least, though often substantially more, the general theme and certain passages after only once having skim-read a complex Psychological, Medical or otherwise Scientific, or Historical work!
He could even recite entire passages from Psychological, Medical or otherwise Scientific, or Historical works which he had only read once entirely from memory and applied them in strictly Scientific manners - and always acquired the results which he predicted!
Thus, the claims that he - somehow, despite all evidence to the contrary! - perverted their meanings is absolutely absurd and thus incredible; incredible does not mean "amazing", it means "not credible" - those slanders have no Merit!

Also, they - for some lack of reason - insist that he had brown eyes; however, his eyes where steel-blue!

The alleged fragment of Hitler's skull turned out to not only not be Hitler's - but to be that of a younger WOMAN!  Thus, the allegations that his Dentist's assistant identified the teeth on a mandible (jaw bone) found near the cranial-fragment as Hitler's are preposterous; it was a fragment of a woman's skull and the Russians still refuse to allow Non Regime-Compliant Scientists to test the jaw fracture or even to view it - because they know it's from a younger WOMAN'S skull!

The claims that it belonged to Eva Braun are also absurd because she was never shot in the head - and numerous people where killed by the Soviets around Hitler's bunker!   The skull could belong to any woman between the ages of 20 and 40 who disappeared anywhere around 1945 - or it could even have been there before the bunker was built!  Thus, their remains have never been identified!  Given the aforesaid, it is more than obvious that the Soviets' claims that he had only one testicle are Propaganda - not fact!  It is also alleged that a Doctor of his after he was wounded in Battle in WWI testified to this, however this claim did not circulate until The '60's; it is incredible! 

Furthermore, there is nothing which can be Logically considered evidence what so ever of any variety to insinuate that he had even so much as one instance of the slightest homosexual desire in his entire life!  Myth debunked!  End of discussion! 

 Additionally, there is NO evidence that Hitler was attracted to Geli; he broke up her marriage to Emil Maurice because Maurice was the co-founder of the S.A. and the number two of the S.S., so it wasn't a politically favorable marriage; not with Emil being 1/8th Jew - for they would say her baby, if she was actually pregnant and that's not a later edition to the myth, was a Jew!  In fact, both National Socialists and Jews said that the very implication of incest by anyone made him physically sick.  The paintings that are alleged to be of her are generally recognized as being of his wife, Eva.

Also, his alleged affection could very well have been him seeing her as a daughter since he didn't have one of his own; thus he wanted to protect her from the outside world and therefore the alleged "non-reciprocated affection" could have been entirely platonic - she may have simply felt that his protective nature was overbearing! Additionally, she may simply not have cared for the rigid political life which she was brought into by being the niece of the most powerful man in the world!

Again: He had no incestuous desires and the very implication otherwise, as well as when it was implied that others did it or could have done it, caused him to become physically sick - thus he could not have had those thoughts, nor was he able to do such a thing!

As for why he didn't attend his sister's wedding: That was simply because his sister didn't approve of his girlfriend and later wife; Eva Braun!

Racial History and how it debunks the Multi-Cult

If all Races were equal, Negroes would not still be as primitive as they were 6,000 years ago! Sub-Saharan African is teeming with primitive, Voodoo-Worshiping, incestuous, self-mutilating, child-abusing (it's a long list so I'll just skip to the point) Negroes that believe the Civilized Whites to be "Devils"! There are birds, beavers and many other animals that construct more advanced structures than the Negroes and they even survive far better while doing so - and many of them even live in the same Sub-Saharan regions as those primitive Negroes! If it were not for Our Advancements, they would be less advanced than most animals - all over the world!

The same is true for all Races; the Vedic conquered India in The Wars between the Light and the Dark, and created the Vedas, the earliest and only true Hindu texts, as well as a new form of Astronomy, Mathematics, Agriculture and Medicine - some concepts of which have been refined but the fundamental principles of which are still used to this day! The light-skinned "Indians" are actually hybrids of Vedic and Dravidians! Unfortunately - They are raping and murdering the Vedic out of existence!

The Non-Siberian parts of East Asia owe its Roots of Civilization to the Celtic tribe known as the Tocharian; who settled in what latter became known as China, after “Emperor” Chin - who merely created a vast perversion of the Civilization created by the Tocharians! The Zen Koans philosophy has its roots in Tocharian Philosophy, however they trained those that would later be known as the Chinese in it and they added to it. The largest perversion of it, however, at least on a mainstream scale, that is, was when “Prince” Siddhartha Quintana corrupted it and then did so further by Blaspheming himself to be God! Additionally unfortunately, the true Tocharians have likewise been Raped out of existence; all that is left now is Mongolian-Tocharian hybrids in the upper region of China, sometimes referred to as Lower Mongolia or occasionally - though the Chinese Regime despises this reminder of the aforesaid Facts of History - The Tocharian Region! In Japan, the Ainu (Pre-Yamato Japanese) Miscegenated with Tocharians! Tocharians built the now-underwater City-State known as Japan's Atlantis!

The Middle East, apart from the Semitic Region, owes its Roots of Civilization to Scythians; who Bred with migrant Vedic!

The true Semites, the true Ethnic Hebrews, are long extinct however they created the only true Civilization in what should be Our Land, not theirs, of Isra’el - as it is properly spelled!

The true Chachapoya have likewise been raped out of existence however they where once Worshiped as Gods and Goddesses by the Incas, who gave them that name, meaning Warriors of the Cloud; a reference to The Cloud Rainforest, named such due to its cloud-like layer of mist! They are the ones that brought Architecture, Astronomy, Agriculture and Medicine to the Incas! In fact, that is the most probable explanation for what the Mayan descendants allege to be their “Alien Gods”; given that the true Chachapoya, the current claimants of said name being hybrids created through Mestizoids raping them out of existence, created what it is alleged that “only aliens could do” - the Mayans too must have been worshiping Nordics! There are other less-known Civilizations that are far more Advanced than They should be - They probably Worshiped the Chachapoya as Gods and Goddesses too!

This also makes sense when considering the fact that the true Egyptians, such as the original Pharaohs, were Whites!

They were Whites, as all of the original Europeans, Middle Easterners, North Africans and Siberians here - Non-Whites such as Blacks, Arabians, Pseudo-Jews, Mongols, Dravidians, hybrids thereof and more recently, those of all Non-White Breeds simply invaded Our Lands and stole and perverted Our Names and Traditions!

Even the Amerindians, some of whom also believe in “Alien Gods”, Stole this Land and certain Traditions from Solutreans - the same Solutreans that the original White Canary Islanders were descended from; the aforesaid being the ancestors of the now-extinct true Chachapoya! In other cases, those "Alien Gods" were really Vikings! True Semites were also In America and Mexico! "Though some claim that “There was no land or ice bridge from Spain to North America”, it has been proven that even a reed boat could cross the Atlantic Ocean - as an Archeological team did so to prove that such is how the now-extinct true Chachapoya did it! Solutreans of White Canary Islander Ancestry most likely were the Creators of The Bimini Roads in South Bimini, Bahamas - Proof of a Civilization at least 1,000 years older than the arrival of the Mongoloids that are Mestizos!

There are no shortages of Atrocities committed against Our People - albeit that The Lesser Breeds want Us to believe otherwise!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What both the Novus Ordo, Protestants and "Othodox" need to know about "Papal Infallibility"

They always cite some alleged "Papal Infallibility" - however I always cite The Holy Bible! Papal Infallibility only extends to those rulings that are in accordance with both the Empirical Evidence and Logic!

In other words: If it cannot be Debunked through either Empirical Evidence or Logic, it is to be assumed correct! If it can be Debunked through either one or both of the aforesaid - it cannot be an accepted Doctrine! Also, that which does not follow the aforesaid is an action of a Usurper, and all those that aide or abate Them in any way shape or form are thus also Usurpers - thus those Heretics cannot hold any Clerical position nor any Legitimate claim to being a Catholic!

Therefore, they could never even have the true form of Papal Infallibility described above! Ultimately, it only applies for the Seat; not the one claiming hold it - even if they actually do! In other words: When it violates any aspect of the Truth, being thus against God (be it Blasphemous, Heretical, Sacrilegious or any combination thereof!) - it is not done on behalf of The Holy Church! If it appeared to be correct at the time, they must simply reject the notion and Repent! If they deliberately lied - again, they must reject the false notion and Repent!

The problem is that They falsely believe that They merely have to Confess - however that is merely Confession, not Repentance! Likewise, Confession due to fear of Punishment in any form is merely Contrition; you must - to truly Repent - Confess because of an Innate Despise of Evil which has finally lead you to shake off the brainwashing from society and/or a particular individual or group of individuals which lead you to Sin! Being Brainwashed into Immorality does not ride you of Responsibility to face Punishment - you allowed yourself to be Brainwashed thus you must still face the Punishment!

Ultimately, all Schisms since Pope Gregory The Great developed and Canonized the notion either trace their roots to a misunderstanding of Papal Infallibility or they at least employed one!

And Justice Shall Be Poetic...

If We do not take a Stand against Them and Preserve Our Own Kind, We will Perish within this century! Many of Our Nations will go Extinct around 2050, and many will be Extinct before!

The Jews have to face the Facts, then; They will learn that when We are gone - the world will be an infinitely Hostile and Miserable for Them! They'll have no White Civilizations to Ravish, no White Women to Rape, and no White Children to Murder for Their Occultism. They'll only a Massive Horde of "Amalgamated" Brown Brainwashed to confuse you with Us! They will turn on you in the same manner you set Them loose upon Us! You can use your "Samson Option", disgracing Samson by claiming to be of the same Kind, but you will find that it will not deter Them! You will find your Bank Accounts running dry, without Us to leach off of. You will find that The Culture of Dependency which you created will come back to haunt you. You will find the Homosexualization of your Kind, and these Sissies bowing before a Feminist Regime. You will find the "Transgendered" Indoctrinating your Kind in the "Education" System you Corrupted. You will find during this process that Negroids and Mongoloids do not Protest merely online or with placards; you will see Riots in the streets! You should know all of this; this is The System which you subjected Us to! You will begin to find Pseudo-Sephardi replacing Pseudo-Ashkenazim as The Elite inside your own structure, and you will find the other Khazars Uniting against you! You will find a greater degree of Miscegenation with those other Non-White Breeds, amongst your own Kind. Without Brainwashed Whites to die for you, you will have to fight your own Wars.

You saddled Us with your Debt and are riding Us into Oblivion, but you don't care about the Debt coming back to Haunt you because you Control The Money Supply; however, you will find that They do not want to work within The System which you Brainwashed Them to blame on Us!

At first, it will be easier to manipulate Them than Us, and you may even be able to get a brief period of Idolization from some of Them; however, you will find that They will still consider you Hybrids to be "too White" - so They will come after you! When it is only you, and you have Indoctrinated yourselves with "Multi-Culturalism, what chance will you have of avoiding Oblivion? None. You will Perish because of devices of your own Design.

Judaism and White Genocide: Stastics on Khazar-Orchestrated White Genocides

The number of Ukrainian Holodomor Victims is over 10,000,000!

The number of Kazakastani Holodomor Victims is over 5,000,000!

Throughout the rest of The Soviet Union, the number of Victims of the Holodomors against the White populations, those being The Rightful Populations of said Countries which the Khazars Occupied, is over 10,000,000!

Then there is the the Fact of the 7,000,000 Russians Murdered outright by Khazars! How about the 1,500,000 Armenians - out of only 2,000,000 Armenians actually existing in Armenia before that?! How about the 1,700,000 Greeks?! How about the 750,000 Assyrians?

The last three, it should be noted, were by The Young Turk Regime - headed by Khazars! More proof that They are far more akin to Their Arabic Pseudo-Semitic Brethren than They want Us to know!

How about the 25,000,000 the Khazars Murdered in The Katyn Forrest Massacre?! They even tried to blame Germany for that - though various Humanitarian Organizations such as The Red Cross admitted it was The Soviets! It doesn't even make superficial sense to blame Germany - it was The Soviets who were Occupying Eastern Poland! Hitler only Invaded to take the parts of Poland which were Historically German - such as the City which was Stolen from Germany after WWI! He then made the Secret Treaty with Stalin to prevent Stalin from Invading! He only broke it because he intercepted a cable saying that Stalin was going to Invade - Hitler merely Preempted!

All together - Soviets Murdered over 100,000,000 Whites!

How about the 500,000 Germans in The Dresden Holocaust alone - which took place via firebombing of Innocent Civilians literally overnight?!

How about the Boer Genocide - which features about 90 Attacks a day and has found 3,500 Victims of Murder alone just since 1991?! Remember: The Khazars were directly responsible for championing the release of the Terrorist Nelson Mandela - as well as championing his efforts to become leader of the ANC! They even directly helped establish its overtly Militant Wing - They put Terrorists in power for the sole purpose of waging Genocide by any and all means against The Pure White Race!

How about The Serbian Genocide by the Pseudo-Albanians, whom falsely alleged that Serbians actually Attacked Them first - despite all Empirical Evidence to the contrary?! That's just a few of the Genocides/Holocausts which Esau-Edomites, or whatever you want to call those so-called Jews, have committed against Our Kind - and that's from the last century alone!

Since that is just from the last century - that doesn't even take into consideration that it was originally Hellenic in what is now called "Turkey"! It was also originally Whites who inhabited what is now called "Turkmenistan" - not the Khazars and other Arabs known as "Turks"!

So it is with true Albanians being White - though Arabs, Khazars, Gypsies and other Non-Whites vastly outnumber the true Whites in Albania!

See my note on The Irish Holodomor to see how They were also involved in that!

The list goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on... Keep in mind that doesn't even take into consideration Their use of Rape as a Weapon against Our Kind - yet another disturbingly common Blasphemy!

Excerpts on Race from the various works of Plato, and an explanation of Tribalist Classifications

 And having made it he divided the whole mixture into souls equal in number to the stars, and assigned each soul to a star; and having there placed them as in a chariot, he showed them the nature of the universe, and declared to them the laws of destiny, according to which their first birth would be one and the same for all - no one should suffer a disadvantage at his hands; they were to be sown in the instruments of time severally adapted to them, and to come forth the most religious of animals; and as human nature was of two kinds, the superior race would hereafter be called man. Now, when they should be implanted in bodies by necessity, and be always gaining or losing some part of their bodily substance, then in the first place it would be necessary that they should all have in them one and the same faculty of sensation, arising out of irresistible impressions; in the second place, they must have love, in which pleasure and pain mingle; also fear and anger, and the feelings which are akin or opposite to them; if they conquered these they would live righteously, and if they were conquered by them, unrighteously. ~ Plato: Timaeus

 And God proclaims as a first principle to the rulers, and above all else, that there is nothing which they should so anxiously guard, or of which they are to be such good guardians, as of the purity of the race. They should observe what elements mingle in their offspring; for if the son of a golden or silver parent has an admixture of brass and iron, then nature orders a transposition of ranks, and the eye of the ruler must not be pitiful toward the child because he has to descend in the scale and become a husbandman or artisan, just as there may be sons of artisans who having an admixture of gold or silver in them are raised to honor, and become guardians or auxiliaries. For an oracle says that when a man of brass or iron guards the State, it will be destroyed. ~ Plato: The State, Book 3
First of all, in regard to slavery? Do you think it right that Hellenes should enslave Hellenic States, or allow others to enslave them, if they can help? Should not their custom be to spare them, considering the danger which there is that the whole race may one day fall under the yoke of the barbarians? And may I not observe with equal propriety that the Hellenic race is all united together by ties of blood and friendship, and alien and strange to the barbarians? ~ Plato: The State, Book 5

 In the succeeding generation rulers will be appointed who have lost the guardian power of testing the metal of your different races, which, like Hesiod's, are of gold and silver and brass and iron. And so iron will be mingled with silver, and brass with gold, and hence there will arise dissimilarity and inequality and irregularity, which always and in all places are causes of hatred and war. When discord arose, then the two races were drawn different ways: the iron and brass fell to acquiring money, and land, and houses, and gold, and silver; but the gold and silver races, not wanting money, but having the true riches in their own nature, inclined toward virtue and the ancient order of things. There was a battle between them, and at last they agreed to distribute their land and houses among individual owners; and they enslaved their friends and maintainers, whom they had formerly protected in the condition of freemen, and made of them subjects and servants; and they themselves were engaged in war and in keeping a watch against them. ~ Plato: The State, Book 8

 Sons, the event proves that your fathers were brave men; for we might have lived dishonourably, but have preferred to die honourably rather than bring you and your children into disgrace, and rather than dishonour our own fathers and forefathers; considering that life is not life to one who is a dishonour to his race, and that to such a one neither men nor Gods are friendly, either while he is on the earth or after death in the world below. ~ Plato: Menexenus

Athenian. Whether the better is ever really conquered by the worse, is a question which requires more discussion, and may be therefore left for the present. But I now quite understand your meaning when you say that citizens who are of the same race and live in the same cities may unjustly conspire, and having the superiority in numbers may overcome and enslave the few just; and when they prevail, the state may be truly called its own inferior and therefore bad; and when they are defeated, its own superior and therefore good. ~ Plato: Laws, Book 1

 Cleinias. They will come from all Crete; and of other Hellenes, Peloponnesians will be most acceptable. For, as you truly observe, there are Cretans of Argive descent; and the race of Cretans which has the highest character at the present day is the Gortynian, and this has come from Gortys in the Peloponnesus. ~ Plato: Laws, Book 4

 Athenian. Cities find colonization in some respects easier if the colonists are one race, which like a swarm of bees is sent out from a single country, either when friends leave friends, owing to some pressure of population or other similar necessity, or when a portion of a state is driven by factions to emigrate. And there have been whole cities which have taken flight when utterly conquered by a superior power in war. This, however, which is in one way an advantage to the colonist or legislator, in another point of view creates a difficulty. There is an element of friendship in the community of race, and language, and laws, and in common temples and rites of worship; but colonies which are of this homogeneous sort are apt to kick against any laws or any form of constitution differing from that which they had at home; and although the badness of their own laws may have been the cause of the factions which prevailed among them, yet from the force of habit they would fain preserve the very customs which were their ruin, and the leader of the colony, who is their legislator, finds them troublesome and rebellious. On the other hand, the conflux of several populations might be more disposed to listen to new laws; but then, to make them combine and pull together, as they say of horses, is a most difficult task, and the work of years. And yet there is nothing which tends more to the improvement of mankind than legislation and colonization. ~ Plato: Laws, Book 4

 Which reflection led him to appoint not men but demigods, who are of a higher and more divine race, to be the kings and rulers of our cities; he did as we do with flocks of sheep and other tame animals. For we do not appoint oxen to be the lords of oxen, or goats of goats; but we ourselves are a superior race, and rule over them. ~ Plato: Laws, Book 4

 O sir, we will say to him, the impulse which moves you to rob temples is not an ordinary human malady, nor yet a visitation of heaven, but a madness which is begotten in a man from ancient and unexpiated crimes of his race, an ever-recurring curse; against this you must guard with all your might, and how you are to guard we will explain to you. ~ Plato: Laws, Book 9

 Now it is difficult to determine accurately the things which are worthy or unworthy of a freeman, but let those who have obtained the prize of virtue give judgment about them in accordance with their feelings of right and wrong. He who in any way shares in the illiberality of retail trades may be indicted for dishonouring his race by any one who likes, before those who have been judged to be the first in virtue; and if he appear to throw dirt upon his father’s house by an unworthy occupation, let him be imprisoned for a year and abstain from that sort of thing; and if he repeat the offence, for two years; and every time that he is convicted let the length of his imprisonment be doubled. ~ Plato: Laws, Book 11

 SOCRATES: Do you not remember that he speaks of a golden race of men who came first?
SOCRATES: He says of them -
"But now that fate has closed over this race They are holy demons upon the earth, Beneficent, averters of ills, guardians of mortal men." (Hesiod, Works and Days.)
HERMOGENES: What is the inference?
SOCRATES: What is the inference! Why, I suppose that he means by the golden men, not men literally made of gold, but good and noble; and I am convinced of this, because he further says that we are the iron race.
HERMOGENES: That is true.
SOCRATES: And do you not suppose that good men of our own day would by him be said to be of golden race?
HERMOGENES: Very likely.
SOCRATES: And are not the good wise?
HERMOGENES: Yes, they are wise.
SOCRATES: And therefore I have the most entire conviction that he called them demons, because they were daemones (knowing or wise), and in our older Attic dialect the word itself occurs. Now he and other poets say truly, that when a good man dies he has honour and a mighty portion among the dead, and becomes a demon; which is a name given to him signifying wisdom. And I say too, that every wise man who happens to be a good man is more than human (daimonion) both in life and death, and is rightly called a demon. ~ Plato: Cratylus
SOCRATES: In the next place, consider that what you say is probably false.
SOCRATES: Let me ask you whether better natures are likely to be found in noble races or not in noble races?
ALCIBIADES: Clearly in noble races.
SOCRATES: Are not those who are well born and well bred most likely to be perfect in virtue?
ALCIBIADES: Certainly. ~ Plato: Alcibiades

 Did you never observe how great is the property of the Spartan kings? And their wives are under the guardianship of the Ephori, who are public officers and watch over them, in order to preserve as far as possible the purity of the Heracleid blood. Still greater is the difference among the Persians; for no one entertains a suspicion that the father of a prince of Persia can be any one but the king. ~ Plato: Alcibiades

The following is my own wording however it is a description of Tribalist Classifications that were used both in The Holy Bible and in various and numerous Pagan sources from ancient times: Under the Tribalist system, there are Kinds, Races, Tribes, Clans and Families.  Whilst sometimes the terms are used interchangeably, their core meanings are as follows: A Kind has two meanings, which are determined by context; one is what is now called a Race, the other is what is now called a Sub-Group.  A Race, under the Tribalist system, is a Nation; a Nation, under the aforesaid system, is a collection of Tribes of the same Kind.  Kind, in that context, refers to a Sub-Group of a Race.  A Tribe is an Ethnicity; a collection of Clans from the same Nation or Kind, in the sense of a Sub-Group for the latter term.  A Clan is an extended Family.

The Plight of the Boer: White Genocide in "The Rainbow Nations"

The Boer discovered almost all of South Afrika (as it is properly spelled in Afrikaans, a Language derived from a Dialect of Dutch; being that the Boer were Ethnically Dutch!) and Rhodesia (as it is their Land and should be Named what they Named it!); the rest was Purchased fairly or Won in Battle, Battles which ensued when Zulus and other Negros decided not only to not except reasonable offers - but to Unjustifiably Attack the Whites!

If they do not Fight, they have to seek Sanctuary somewhere safer - for to stay would be to die or worse; if they are not Murdered, both Males and Females - both Adults, Adolescents and Children! - are Sexually Assaulted and sometimes even taken into Sex Slavery! The Despotisms won't give them Sanctuary, either; They are too busy giving it to Haitian Pagans and Somali Terrorists etcetera!

Even if they get into a Despotism like what claims to be America, they are not safe; so-called "Affirmative Action" has made everyone poor - so poor that many previously in a range comparable to "America's" Middle Class now have been reduced to trying to raise a Family in a mere shanty! They thus cannot afford to live in even a Semi-Decent neighborhood! They do not have “Affirmative Action” working for them - it Violently works against them! Many are afraid to bring a Child into that Hell! Many are afraid to walk the streets - even in large groups; The Negro Horde has larger groups - and They are often armed! They Lust after Whites and some, literally, have an unquenchable Blood Lust!

Such Crimes are on the rise - and many of the so-called Cops are in on it Judges refuse to even hear such cases, at least via continuously granting “Stays of Trail” or a “Change of Venue” without Merit! They will either not Convict Them or will give Them a Proverbial slap on the wrist, as an actual one would be deemed “Cruel and Unusual Punishment” and Their Media would decry it as “Torture” and “a great betrayal of their brothers” - things which would be deemed “Obviously Racist” if it was in regards to Whites; being labeled a “Racist” is deemed “a Criminal Offense” - and often results in Whites being Murdered for it! Whites are Murdered at random - by both “Civilians” and “Cops”!

A massive Killing Field was found in Rhodesia; 600 Whites were Kidnapped, tied up, dragged miles into the dessert, placed in a Mass Grave and shot until The Negro Terrorists ran out of ammo - at which point They decided to burn Their Victims alive! Those Victims were a combination of Whites and Blacks who refused to Murder Whites! After that, there weren't too many Blacks who didn't want to Murder White!

It is not at all uncommon for Whites to go “Missing” and never return in South Afrika and Rhodesia! Bodies are found left out to rot in the desert heat - and those who are Innately Disgusted by the Immorality of The Negro Terrorists are targeted for “Racism” and “Punished“ for their “Crime“ with Rape and Murder!

That is the world of the Boer; that is “The Rainbow Utopia” envisioned by Nelson Mandela, who sings “Kill the Boer” along with his wife and who was Knighted by the Usurper upon The British Throne for such Despotic Acts as creating The Bilderberg Group and joining The Elders; Elitist Establishments which openly promote Their Despotic Desires for “The Marxist New World Order”. That is “The Rainbow Nation” of Winnie Mandela, Nelson Mandela’s wife; who says about the Boer “With our chains and with our necklaces we shall kill them!” - “necklaces” being a term They use to mean flaming tires which They place around the neck’s of Whites who They brutally whip near to death with chains! That is “The Rainbow Kingdom” of Robert Mugabe! Perhaps the world has forgotten, so let Us remind The Masses - that was once called Hell!

Here's an Infamous story about a well-known Victim: Willemien Potgieter was not even three years old when she was Murdered along with her Family, her mother likewise shot, her father first beaten near to death with a hammer, then shot, for "Being Racist"! The nature of her “Crime”? Being White! One of the Negros who sings the Communist ANC Regime’s Official Song “Kill the Boer”, wherein They Swear and Ungodly Oath to do just that, was selected by The Regime to bury Willemien! Those who opposed this Act of Cultural Terrorism, at a Funeral for a little girl who was Murdered by Anti-White Terrorists no less, are deemed “Racist”! So it is to even say that Willemien was Murdered by Negros! Think about that: They label Truth as "Racism"!

I found something awhile ago which I thought I should share here; a Homo-Heidelbergensis Cranium was found in South Afrika which predates all Fossil Evidence of Negroids! Therefore, even in Prehistoric Times, Nordics alone had established their Right to South Afrika - not Negroids! Think about that next time a Negro tells you that South Afrikaners are Evil for Stealing Their Lands! In reality - the Negros stole it!

Harriet Beecher Stowe: Uninformed, Nefarious Or Both?

Harriet Beecher Stowe's writings imply that she had seen first hand suffering on behalf of Slaves however in reality, she had never even been to a Slave State, Territory or District in either The North or The South, and she acted as if there weren’t Slave States in The North - not to mention Washington, D.C. being the Slave District that I referred to! Truth be told, she didn't even know anyone who had even been to even one of the aforesaid places - much less an actual Slave Plantation!

Additionally, she made no mention of the well-documented Illegal White Slavery - nor of White Indentured Servants; who made up virtually all Indentured Servants, as well as all indentured servants before 1854! White Slaves, depending on the Colony, minus the one which did not allow Slaves because they feared a Slave Rebellion, made up between 25-100% of all Slaves - and approximately 33% of all Slaves in America until the early 1700's!

She made no mention of the well-documented White Indentured Servants who were Illegally never Freed - thus Illegally Enslaved! She made no mention of how they were Illegally Enslaved by Yids! She made no mention of how all 46 Slave Ships that went to America and the majority of all Slave Ships in The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade were owned by Yids!

Most of the auction blocks for Slaves in America were owned by Yids - as were most of the auction blocks for Slaves in the rest of The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade! She made no mention of the well-documented Blacks who captured and sold other Blacks into Slavery! She made no mention of Blacks being Enslaved by other Blacks in Africa! She made no mention of Black Confederates! Quite frankly - she made no mention of anything based upon Empirical Evidence!

She invented a work of fiction which she merely claimed to represent reality! In reality, however, almost everything that most people think they know is at least rooted in her work of fiction! In reality, Archeologist examined Slave Plantations - and found much larger living quarters for the Black Slaves than they expected! On most of these Slave Plantations, they actually found rifles - sitting out openly in the Slave's quarters! They also found fishing poles with proper hooks and even proper animal traps and knives for skinning them! They found everything the slaves needed to live in conditions much better than most Whites found living in Tenements in such places as New York! They even found that many had books amongst their own possessions - and they also found journals which had been written by the Slaves! According to their own writings - they seemed quite satisfied with Slavery! This is backed by the photographs of Black Confederates - as well as a Union Sanitation Officer describing his account of how Black Confederates had their own Commands over their own Black Units; Units which were as well supplied with the same quality materials as White Units, and which fought side-by-side with White Units! He even described how Black Confederates were more ruthless against Unionists - especially Black Unionist! There are even Historically Verified Reports in both Union and Confederate Records of Black Confederates choosing Death over Surrender! In fact, one Black Confederate escaped Execution and returned to his Black Unit and said "Massa had no principles" - because he had Surrendered instead of facing Death! One White Hero with a story which truly shows how horrible Northern Tyranny actually was is Riley Crawford - who at times even fought side-by-side with some Black Confederates!