Thursday, December 27, 2012

When East Meets West: Considerations on The Chinese Market, and Long-Term Reclamation of Tocharia

 China's Investment-Driven and Time-Oriented Economy has lead to the Deliberate-Construction of entire Ghost Cities and Bridges to Nowhere.  This has lead to Infrastructure Collapses, of both Literal and Metaphoric Form, which China (in true Communist Fashion) Responds to with more of the same Failed Policies.

 Its Jade Bubble (a Result of its Fusion of Morally-Divorced Capitalism with Maoism; similar to "The West's" Fusion of Bolshevism and said Corporatism) is about to Burst; of course, whenever it is Forewarned that a Bubble will Burst, it is to Accelerate that Transition.  Then, those with Power can Acquire more at Dirt-Cheap Prices.  Rothschild has been doing such, with one Medium or another, since the 1700's.

My Question is: Why can't We get an Organization together to Invest in Jade (as with other Mediums) during such Orchestrated Crashes, and use these as Our Debt-Free Currency?  Ameristan has Infamously "Appropriated" (Stolen) what was then 7 million dollars (more, now) in Silver which was Minted as an Alternative Currency to the Unconstitutional "Federal Reserve" Notes, but a Wide-Scale Acquiescence of Silver and Jade (both highly Valued by China; Jade largely for Cultural Reasons, having been Influenced by Tocharian Artistry, and Silver as an Alternative to The Gold and Platinum Bubbles) may Result in the Acknowledgement of Our Valid and Sound Policies by even Mainstreamers.

Western China, as with other parts of East Asia, was once Ours; it is not the only Homeland of Ours to be Lost to Inundating, Ravaging, Hordes of Curs, either.  It also isn't the only part of the World to have such Ghost Towns, and many have Superior Architecture; I'm just Listing Our Options.

Between China's Economic Imperative for an Income-Influx, the Desire of the Uighurs (Hybrids Resulting from Bastardizations of Scythians, Tocharians, Yuezhi and White Huns by Chinoids and other Mongoloids) to Maintain a Sense of Identity, the Yamato's Desire to Overtake China, Russia's Stance between the two, the Desire of the Ainu (Hybrids Resulting of the Bastardizations of Whites by Pre-Yamato Mongoloids in Northern Japanese Islands) to Maintain a Sense of Identity, Asiatic Nazism Increasing amongst Uighurs, Ainu and Yamato, Taiwan's Desire to be Recognized as Sovereign by China, a(n) Arabic/Muslim Problem in parts of Western China, Secessionist Sentiments Developing in Northern India, and Soetoro having Backed The Formation of a Taliban Embassy as part of an Agenda of Dissolution of what is Ironically Named "Pakistan" (Land of the Pure - though now Usurped by Arabo-Dravidians!), especially with the Inevitable Development (not if, but when such happens) of a "Spill-Over" of "Pakhtun" Violence into what Arabic Invaders call "Afghanistan", can We not Instigate something in Our Favour?

The last two years, I've been Considering the Ramifications and Long-Term Benefits of these and other Developments in Europe, Canada, America and Australia, but now I'm Thinking on an even Longer-Term; Requisition of said Homelands was always an Agenda, but it seems Bureaucratic Corruption and Incompetence is making it much Easier than I had Initially Expected.

Since The Triad and Chinese Industry is Involved with Jewish and Negroid Cartels in South Afrika, which Extort, Rape and Murder the "Illegal" Miners in Abandoned Mines in that Communist-Occupied Realm (which The Sondheim Cranium Proves We had several hundred thousand years before They did - not to mention the Vast Predominance of said Region having been Unexplored by Negroids; rather, being Explored by Boere, other Dutchmen, Germans and English whom Settled it!), and a similar thing goes on in India (though S.A., Rhodesia and Namibie also has White Genocide!), it would be Poetic Justice for Us to "Redistribute" from those "Redistributors" a few of those Ghost Towns to Ourselves as Havens for the likes of the Boer!

The Question is: How do We get Putin to stop Flip-Flopping, so he'll just Aid Us, or is it Impossible for him to Dispense with his K.G.B. Indoctrination?

Some other Considerations: Is it at all Possible for Le Pen to have a Victory in France?  Perhaps after Chrysi Avgi has one in Greece, though Austria may have to have such a Development between the two.

 Iceland doesn't yet seem at that point but it is, Per Capita, one of The Whitest Countries on Earth, and it has begun to Tackle the Bankster Problem; it's made many Improvements, for sure - but still needs to Eliminate Rothschild!

 Belarus is Allegedly National Socialist... but the Emphasis is surely on Socialist.

 The Ukrainian Insurgent Army still has awhile to go before it's Mainstream; but if We have a Prayer, People will be Awakened by the new Film about The Great Ukrainian Holodomor of 1932-33.  Of course, The Jewish Media will Denounce this as "Propaganda" - whilst Hypocritically Bombarding Us with such Propaganda as Their Scientifically and Logically Debunked "Holocaust"!  For Sources on that, check my other Article: "Countering Holodomor Denial".

  Hungary isn't quite ready yet but it is making a surprising amount of Strides for a Country that's probably Occupied by more Khavars, Jews, Gypsies, Avars, Tartars, Lipka Tartars and other Turkics than Aryans.

 The two Whitest Countries on Earth, Per Capita, are Lithuania and Estonia; both have not only Nationalist Movements but even Mainstream Nationalist Sentiments - but have yet to Oust Rothschild!

For everything that Offers Hope, there is at least one more thing to Prove that it is only a Trick to Poison Our Souls; thus, We must Determine Our Fate for Ourselves - We must have (though I Phrase it this way at the Risk of being Mistaken for a Socialist or other "Humanist") a Triumph of the Will!

  In the Longer-Run, I think Tocharian and Scythian Revivals, as I've spoke of before, could be used to Pacify and perhaps even Recruit the aforesaid Mongoloids and certain Hybridized Caucasoids (such as Saami and Komi) to a Mutually-Beneficial Cause (at least for a time) whilst Maintaining an Aryan Culture and Philosophy; it would also, as I spoke of recently, Eliminate much of the "head in the clouds" Mentality that has been Instilled by Jewry and its Foreign Hordes in so many of The Children of Light - Our Cloud Warriors!  When the Whole of the World has been Reclaimed as Ours, what Develops will be a Holy Culture - an Aryan Culture!

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