Saturday, April 8, 2017

This Is Why I (Incidentally) Supported Ron Paul

There's a Theory that Trump is only Bombing Syria to Obtain Support from Neo-Con Politicians, and will thus Withdraw Support once he is Criticized by Liberal Media.
Shouldn't he just Continue to be Harassed by Neo-Con Politicians, to Prove these are Conspiring with Liberals? Shouldn't he Allow the Liberals to Continue Proving that They are not Anti-War, since Their Campaign was Based Upon Invading Russia?
If he does Withdraw, won't he Lose that Neo-Con Support?  If he doesn't Withdraw, how will he Obtain any Anti-War Support from those Liberals that are Desperate for a "Conservative White Male Racist" to be The War President so that They can Continue to Pretend to Oppose it [right into another Election and - Subsequently - an Enlargement of the War (a la Obama)]?
Trump Can't Rely Upon Liberal Masses; They're Far Too Corrupt. Trump Can't Rely Upon Conservative Masses; They're Far Too Stupid. Trump Can't Rely Upon Politicians.  Trump Can Only Rely Upon The Alt-Right.  Trump's Dividing The Alt-Right.
Now, one might have a Far-Fetched Notion that Trump doesn't like Taking Orders from his Jewish Son-In-Law or Netanyahu, et cetera, so he's Forcing those "Alt-Rightists" to either Expose Themselves as Attention-Seeking Conservatives (i.e. Liberals-In-Denial) or to Seek Russia's Support in Overthrowing The Regime.  After all, he's Solidifying Russia's Position as Leader of The Free World.  Unfortunately, that only Works if he'll Secretly Assist Us.
If Trump Cracks Down Upon The Dissident Right, W.W.III Ensues Anyway.  Then, Why Not Have Elected Hillary?  Why Not Have Elected Sanders? What's Better Than The Cubans (Cruz; Rubio)?  What's Better Than Miscegenator Bush?  What's Better Than Negro Criminal Carson?  What's Better Than Ryan?  What's Better Than Boehner?  Honestly, What Did "The Great Meme War" Accomplish?

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